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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
angiotensin-mediated vasoconstriction involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure  
maintenance of blood vessel diameter homeostasis by renin-angiotensin +   
negative regulation of blood circulation +   
negative regulation of vasoconstriction +   
norepinephrine-epinephrine vasoconstriction involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure  
positive regulation of blood circulation +   
positive regulation of vasoconstriction +   
regulation of cerebral blood circulation +   
regulation of gastric mucosal blood circulation +   
regulation of heart contraction +   
regulation of vasoconstriction +   
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of reductions in the diameter of blood vessels.
vascular associated smooth muscle contraction +   
vasoconstriction +   
vasoconstriction by vasopressin involved in systemic arterial blood pressure control 
vasoconstriction of artery involved in baroreceptor response to lowering of systemic arterial blood pressure  
vasoconstriction of artery involved in chemoreceptor response to lowering of systemic arterial blood pressure +  
vasoconstriction of artery involved in ischemic response to lowering of systemic arterial blood pressure  
vasodilation +   

Definition Sources: GOC:jl

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