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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
anterior mRNA localization involved in anterior/posterior axis specification 
bicoid mRNA localization +  
orthodenticle mRNA localization 
pole plasm mitochondrial rRNA localization +  
pole plasm mRNA localization +  
Any process in which mRNA is transported to, or maintained in, the oocyte pole plasm. An example of this is found in Drosophila melanogaster.
posterior mRNA localization involved in anterior/posterior axis specification 

Exact Synonyms: establishment and maintenance of mRNA localization in pole plasm ;   establishment and maintenance of pole plasm mRNA localization ;   oocyte pole plasm mRNA localization ;   pole plasm mRNA localisation
Broad Synonyms: pole granule RNA localization
Alternate IDs: GO:0048120
Definition Sources: GOC:ai

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