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Ontology Browser

nickel incorporation into iron-sulfur cluster via tris-L-cysteinyl L-cysteine persulfido L-glutamato L-histidino L-serinyl nickel triiron disulfide trioxide (GO:0018418)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
[2Fe-2S] cluster assembly +   
[4Fe-4S] cluster assembly +   
iron incorporation into metallo-sulfur cluster  
iron-sulfur-molybdenum cofactor assembly +  
molybdenum incorporation into iron-sulfur cluster 
N-terminal peptidyl-glutamic acid acetylation  
N-terminal peptidyl-L-cysteine N-palmitoylation  
N-terminal protein amino acid deamination, from amino carbon 
negative regulation of iron-sulfur cluster assembly +  
nickel incorporation into iron-sulfur cluster via tris-L-cysteinyl L-cysteine persulfido L-glutamato L-histidino L-serinyl nickel triiron disulfide trioxide 
The incorporation of nickel into a 3Fe-2S complex by tris-L-cysteinyl L-cysteine persulfido L-glutamato L-histidino L-serinyl nickel triiron disulfide trioxide.
nitrogenase P cluster assembly 
peptide cross-linking via L-cystine 
peptidyl-cysteine acetylation 
peptidyl-cysteine deglycation  
peptidyl-cysteine methylation  
peptidyl-cysteine oxidation  
peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylation +   
peptidyl-glutamic acid carboxylation  
peptidyl-histidine adenylylation 
peptidyl-histidine methylation +   
peptidyl-histidine phosphorylation 
peptidyl-histidine uridylylation 
peptidyl-L-3-oxoalanine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-cysteine or peptidyl-serine 
peptidyl-L-beta-methylthioaspartic acid biosynthetic process from peptidyl-aspartic acid 
peptidyl-pyrromethane cofactor linkage 
peptidyl-S-diacylglycerol-L-cysteine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-cysteine +   
positive regulation of iron-sulfur cluster assembly +   
protein deglutamylation +   
protein histidyl modification to diphthamide  
protein polyglutamylation  
protein polyglycylation +   
protein S-linked glycosylation via cysteine 
regulation of iron-sulfur cluster assembly +   

Exact Synonyms: nickel incorporation into iron-sulphur cluster via tris-L-cysteinyl L-cysteine persulphido L-glutamato L-histidino L-serinyl nickel triiron disulphide trioxide
Xrefs: RESID:AA0293
Definition Sources: RESID:AA0293

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