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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
5'-acylphosphoadenosine hydrolase activity 
cyclic-GMP-AMP hydrolase activity  
dihydroneopterin monophosphate phosphatase activity 
N6-methyl-(d)ATP hydrolase activity  
nucleoside phosphoacylhydrolase activity 
O6-methyl-dGTP hydrolase activity  
phosphocholine hydrolase activity 
pyrophosphatase activity +   
Catalysis of the hydrolysis of a pyrophosphate bond (diphosphate bond) between two phosphate groups.
RNA NAD+-cap (NAD+-forming) hydrolase activity  
trimetaphosphatase activity 

Xrefs: reactome:R-HSA-6810472 "NUDT13 hydrolyses AP6A to AP4 and ADP"
Definition Sources: GOC:curators,

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