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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
branchiomeric skeletal muscle development +   
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the branchiomeric skeletal muscle over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The branchiomeric muscle is derived from cranial mesoderm and controls facial expression, pharyngeal and laryngeal function, operating the jaw. The muscle begins its development with the differentiation of the muscle cells and ends with the mature muscle. Branchiomeric muscles of mammals correspond to the gill musculature of fish.
chordate pharyngeal muscle development 
extraocular skeletal muscle development +   
muscle organ morphogenesis +   
negative regulation of muscle organ development +   
negative regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development +   
nematode pharyngeal muscle development 
positive regulation of muscle organ development +   
positive regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development +   
regulation of muscle organ development +   
regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development +   
skeletal muscle cell differentiation +   
skeletal muscle fiber development +   
skeletal muscle organ development +   
skeletal muscle satellite stem cell asymmetric division +  
skeletal muscle tissue growth +   
visceral muscle development +   

Definition Sources: GOC:mtg_muscle

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