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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cell migration involved in gastrulation +   
cell-matrix adhesion involved in ameboidal cell migration +   
epithelial cell migration +   
The orderly movement of an epithelial cell from one site to another, often during the development of a multicellular organism.
epithelial cell-cell adhesion involved in epithelium migration +  
epithelium migration involved in imaginal disc-derived wing morphogenesis 
establishment of cell polarity involved in ameboidal cell migration +   
fibroblast migration +   
initiation of movement involved in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration +  
lamellipodium assembly involved in ameboidal cell migration +   
mesenchymal cell migration +   
mesendoderm migration +   
mesodermal cell migration +   
substrate-dependent cell migration, cell contraction  
trophoblast cell migration +   

Definition Sources: GOC:ascb_2009, GOC:BHF, GOC:dph, GOC:tb

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