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Ontology Browser

visceral mesoderm-endoderm interaction involved in midgut development (GO:0007495)
Annotations: Rat: (1) Mouse: (1) Human: (1) Chinchilla: (0) Bonobo: (1) Dog: (1) Squirrel: (1) Pig: (1) Naked Mole-rat: (1) Green Monkey: (1)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
midgut development +     
anterior midgut development 
autocrine signaling  
c-di-GMP signaling +   
cell-cell signaling involved in cardiac conduction +   
cell-cell signaling involved in cell fate commitment +   
cell-cell signaling involved in kidney development +  
cell-cell signaling involved in lung development +   
cell-cell signaling involved in mammary gland development  
cell-cell signaling involved in placenta development 
cell-cell signaling via exosome +   
cerebellar Purkinje cell-granule cell precursor cell signaling  
determination of muscle attachment site 
ectoderm and mesoderm interaction  
endocrine signaling 
endodermal-mesodermal cell signaling +   
epiblast cell-extraembryonic ectoderm cell signaling  
epithelial-mesenchymal cell signaling +   
gamma-aminobutyric acid signaling pathway +   
glial cell-neuron signaling +   
mesenchymal-endodermal cell signaling +  
mesenchymal-epithelial cell signaling +   
mesodermal-endodermal cell signaling +   
neuron-glial cell signaling  
oscillatory cAMP signaling 
paracrine signaling  
polyphosphate-mediated signaling 
posterior midgut development  
quorum sensing +  
regulation of branching involved in mammary cord morphogenesis by fat precursor cell-epithelial cell signaling 
regulation of mammary gland cord elongation by mammary fat precursor cell-epithelial cell signaling 
regulation of pre-tubular aggregate formation by cell-cell signaling 
signal release +   
stromal-epithelial cell signaling involved in prostate gland development  
synaptic signaling +   
visceral mesoderm-endoderm interaction involved in midgut development  
The process of cell-cell signaling between visceral mesoderm cells and endoderm cells that is involved in the differentiation of cells in the midgut.

Exact Synonyms: visceral mesoderm/endoderm interaction
Definition Sources: GOC:dph, GOC:isa_complete

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