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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cell communication +     
signaling +     
axon target recognition  
cell communication by chemical coupling +   
cell communication by electrical coupling +   
cell communication involved in cardiac conduction +   
cell-cell signaling +   
Any process that mediates the transfer of information from one cell to another. This process includes signal transduction in the receiving cell and, where applicable, release of a ligand and any processes that actively facilitate its transport and presentation to the receiving cell. Examples include signaling via soluble ligands, via cell adhesion molecules and via gap junctions.
extracellular matrix-cell signaling +   
motogenic signaling initiating cell movement in cerebral cortex +  
motogenic signaling involved in interneuron migration from the subpallium to the cortex 
motogenic signaling involved in postnatal olfactory bulb interneuron migration 
negative regulation of cell communication +   
negative regulation of signaling +   
pollen-pistil interaction +  
positive regulation of cell communication +   
positive regulation of signaling +   
regulation of cell communication +   
regulation of signaling +   
response to pheromone regulating conjugation with mutual genetic exchange +  
sex determination, somatic-gonadal interaction 
signal transduction +   
transmission of nerve impulse +   
 signal release +   

Exact Synonyms: cell-cell signalling
Definition Sources: GOC:dos, GOC:mah

paths to the root