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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
D-allose biosynthetic process 
fructose biosynthetic process  
fucose biosynthetic process +  
galactose biosynthetic process +  
GDP-mannose biosynthetic process from glucose  
gluconeogenesis +   
The formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors, such as pyruvate, amino acids and glycerol.
glucose catabolic process +   
glycolytic fermentation to butanediol 
glycolytic fermentation to ethanol +  
mannose biosynthetic process 
mixed acid fermentation 
non-phosphorylated glucose metabolic process +  
poly(hydroxyalkanoate) biosynthetic process from glucose 
positive regulation of glucose metabolic process +   
regulation of glucose metabolic process +   
rhamnose biosynthetic process 
sorbose biosynthetic process +  
sucrose catabolic process via 3'-ketosucrose 

Exact Synonyms: glucose biosynthesis ;   glucose biosynthetic process
Xrefs: Wikipedia:Gluconeogenesis
Definition Sources: MetaCyc:GLUCONEO-PWY

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