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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Bacterial Infections and Mycoses +   
Blood-Borne Infections 
Community-Acquired Infections 
Emerging Communicable Diseases 
Intraabdominal Infections +   
parasitic infectious disease +   
Pelvic Infection +   
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases 
Vector Borne Diseases 
viral infectious disease +   
Waterborne Diseases 
Illnesses due to micro-organisms and chemicals in drinking water, those caused by organisms having part of their lifecycle in water or those with water-related vectors, and others spread by aerosols containing pathogens.

Exact Synonyms: Water related Diseases ;   Water-related Disease ;   Waterborne Disease
Primary IDs: MESH:D000069578
Definition Sources: MESH:D000069578

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