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Ontology Browser

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Infection of the brain, spinal cord, or perimeningeal structures with the larval forms of the genus TAENIA (primarily T. solium in humans). Lesions formed by the organism are referred to as cysticerci. The infection may be subacute or chronic, and the severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the host immune response and the location and number of lesions. SEIZURES represent the most common clinical manifestation although focal neurologic deficits may occur. (From Joynt, Clinical Neurology, 1998, Ch27, pp46-50)
Submacular Cysticercosis 

Exact Synonyms: Central Nervous System Cysticercosis ;   brain cysticercosis ;   neurocysticercoses
Primary IDs: MESH:D020019
Definition Sources: MESH:D020019

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