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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
African Swine Fever 
Arenavirus hemorrhagic fever +  
Colorado tick fever 
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever  
dengue disease +   
Ebola hemorrhagic fever  
ehrlichiosis +  
Hantavirus hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome +   
Japanese encephalitis  
Kyasanur forest disease +  
A viral infectious disease that is a hemorrhagic fever, has_material_basis_in Kyasanur forest disease virus, which is transmitted by Haemaphysalis spinigera tick bite. The infection has symptom fever, has symptom headache, has symptom stiffness of the neck, has symptom severe muscle pain, has symptom cough, has symptom dehydration, and has symptom bleeding problems. (DO)
Lassa fever  
louping ill 
Lyme disease +   
Marburg hemorrhagic fever 
Nairobi Sheep Disease 
Omsk hemorrhagic fever 
relapsing fever +  
Rift Valley fever  
spotted fever +   
St. Louis encephalitis 
tick-borne encephalitis +   
West Nile fever +   
yellow fever  
Zika fever +   

Primary IDs: MESH:D007733
Xrefs: GARD:8257 ;   ICD10CM:A98.2 ;   ICD9CM:065.2
Definition Sources: "DO" "DO"

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