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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cavernous hemangioma of colon 
Chilaiditi Syndrome 
colitis +   
An inflammatory bowel disease that involves inflammation located_in colon. (DO)
Colon Inflammatory Polyp 
colon leiomyoma 
Colonic Diverticulosis +   
Colorectal Neoplasms +   
Crohn's disease +   
diverticulitis of colon  
functional colonic disease +   
functional diarrhea  
inflammatory bowel disease 1  
inflammatory bowel disease 10  
inflammatory bowel disease 11 
inflammatory bowel disease 12  
inflammatory bowel disease 13  
inflammatory bowel disease 14  
inflammatory bowel disease 15 
inflammatory bowel disease 16  
inflammatory bowel disease 17  
inflammatory bowel disease 18 
inflammatory bowel disease 19  
inflammatory bowel disease 2 
inflammatory bowel disease 20 
inflammatory bowel disease 21 
inflammatory bowel disease 22 
inflammatory bowel disease 23 
inflammatory bowel disease 24 
inflammatory bowel disease 25  
inflammatory bowel disease 26 
inflammatory bowel disease 27 
inflammatory bowel disease 28  
inflammatory bowel disease 29  
inflammatory bowel disease 3 
inflammatory bowel disease 30  
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 31  
inflammatory bowel disease 4 
inflammatory bowel disease 5  
inflammatory bowel disease 6 
inflammatory bowel disease 7 
inflammatory bowel disease 8 
inflammatory bowel disease 9 
intestinal pseudo-obstruction +   
megacolon +   
Neonatal Inflammatory Skin and Bowel Disease +   
sigmoid disease +   

Exact Synonyms: colitides
Primary IDs: MESH:D003092
Xrefs: EFO:0003872 ;   NCI:C26723
Definition Sources: "DO" "DO"

paths to the root