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Ontology Browser

proximal tubule albumin uptake to tubule area ratio (CMO:0003636)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Darcy permeability 
free water clearance level to body weight ratio 
free water reabsorption level to body weight ratio 
glomerular filtration rate +   
glomerular sieving coefficient for albumin 
proximal tubule albumin uptake to tubule area ratio 
A microscopic measure of the amount of albumin reabsorbed by the proximal tubule per area of proximal tubule, where a fluorescent intensity value represents the amount of albumin reabsorbed per square area of proximal tubule.
renal vascular resistance +   

Exact Synonyms: proximal tubular albumin uptake
Xrefs: PMID:25680709
Definition Sources: ISBN:9780323086912, PMID:25680709

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