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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
calculated kidney physiological measurement +   
free water clearance +  
free water reabsorption +  
In the physiology of the kidney, free water reabsorption is the volume of water reabsorbed by the blood plasma from the kidney per unit time. A free water reabsorption of zero means the kidney is producing urine isotonic with respect to the plasma. Values greater than zero for free water reabsorption imply that the kidney is producing concentrated urine through the excretion of water with a high level of solutes.
renal blood flow rate +   
renal uptake of xenobiotic +  

Exact Synonyms: kidney water reabsorption ;   nephron water absorption ;   renal water absorption ;   renal water reabsorption
Xrefs: PMID:23955305
Definition Sources:, PMID:23955305

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