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Ontology Browser

concentration of GSK2181236A at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) (CMO:0003416)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel +  
concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) +  
concentration of BAY 60-4552 at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 
concentration of carbachol at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 
concentration of GSK2181236A at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 
A calculated value for the concentration of GSK2181236A, a small molecule activator of soluble guanylate cyclase, at which the energy exerted during the active expansion in the diameter of a blood vessel in response to the application of GSK2181236A is halfway between the highest value, that is the force at greatest constriction (often measured in a pre-constricted blood vessel), and the lowest achievable value of such contractile energy during GSK2181236A-induced relaxation of the vessel wall (i.e. the maximum effect of GSK2181236A which is the minimum contractile energy).
concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) +  
GSK2181236A-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 

Xrefs: PMID:22783192
Definition Sources: American_Heritage:The_American_Heritage_Medical_Dictionary_2007, Dorland:Dorlands_Illustrated_Medical_Dictionary--31st_Ed

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