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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
autoantibody level +     
autoantibody titer +   
blood anti-collagen antibody level +   
blood anti-coronavirus antibody level +   
blood anti-DNA antibody level +   
blood anti-laminin antibody level +  
blood anti-parasite antibody measurement +  
blood antibody titer +   
blood autoantibody level +   
Measurement of the amount of one or more autoantibodies in a specified sample of blood. An antibody is an immunoglobulin molecule possessing a specific amino acid sequence that binds to a specific antigen, a substance introduced into an organism which initiates an immune response including the production of the very antibodies which bind to it in an effort to destroy it. An autoantibody is an antibody that attacks the cells, tissues, native proteins, or other endogenous molecules of the organism in which it was formed.
plasma antibody level +  
serum antibody level +   

Exact Synonyms: blood anti-self antibody level
Definition Sources: American_Heritage:The_American_Heritage_Medical_Dictionary_2007, Dorland:Dorlands_Illustrated_Medical_Dictionary--31st_Ed, ISBN:978-1416049982

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