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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
plasma immunoglobulin D level 
serum antibody level +   
serum immunoglobulin A level  
serum immunoglobulin D level 
The amount in a specified sample of serum of one or more types of immunoglobulin D (IgD), one of the five classes of antibodies produced by the body. IgD is found in small amounts in serum, and although its precise function is not known, IgD increases in quantity during allergic reactions to milk, insulin, penicillin, and various toxins.
serum immunoglobulin E level  
serum immunoglobulin G level +   
serum immunoglobulin M level +   

Exact Synonyms: serum IgD level ;   serum total IgD level ;   serum total immunoglobulin D level
Definition Sources: Mosby:Mosbys_Medical_Dictionary--8th_Ed

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