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Ontology Browser

blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
blood chylomicron cholesterol level +  
blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level +   
blood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level +   
blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level +   
Measurement of the amount of cholesterol, a eukaryotic sterol that in higher animals is the precursor of bile acids and steroid hormones and a key constituent of cell membranes, carried in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) molecules in a specified volume of blood, the fluid that circulates through the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins carrying nutrients and oxygen to the body tissues and metabolites away from them. LDL constitute a class of relatively large, heterogeneous lipoprotein particles, complex molecules that consist of a protein membrane surrounding a core of lipids. The LDL class of lipoproteins has a density between 1.019 and 1.063 g/ml. In some animal species, such as canine and rodents, this may overlap with the HDL1 class and be designated LDL/HDL1.
blood non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol level  
blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level +   

Exact Synonyms: low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement
Narrow Synonyms: LDL cholesterol change measurement
Related Synonyms: blood LDL level ;   blood LDL-C level
Xrefs: EFO:0004611 ;   EFO:0007804
Definition Sources: "Website" "Website", "BioMedCentral" "BioMedCentral", "Multiple_Dictionaries" "Multiple_Dictionaries"

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