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The Clinical Measurement Ontology (CMO), Measurement Methods Ontology (MMO), and Experimental Condition Ontology (XCO) are currently being developed at the Rat Genome Database. For more information about these vocabularies please see Shimoyama et al. Three ontologies to define phenotype measurement data. Front Genet. 2012;3:87. Epub 2012 May 28 or contact us (

Term:spinal cord homogenate
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Accession:XCO:0000356 term browser browse the term
Definition:A condition in which the major contributing factor is a preparation of spinal cord which has been rendered uniform in structure and/or composition throughout, for example by grinding the tissue until it has been reduced to particles which are evenly distributed thoughout a fluid. Spinal cord is the long, flexible, nearly cylindric structure of nerve tissue that extends from the medulla oblongata down through the vertebral canal and from which the spinal nerves branch off to various parts of the body.

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spinal cord homogenate term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Eae1 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 1 IDA RGD PMID:10640775 RGD:61031 NCBI chr20:4,606,607...6,691,706 JBrowse link
Q Eae10 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 10 IDA RGD PMID:10640775 RGD:61031 NCBI chr14:17,622,685...18,274,498 JBrowse link
Q Eae11 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 11 IDA RGD PMID:10640775 RGD:61031 NCBI chr 4:1...39,505,420 JBrowse link
Q Eae4 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 4 IDA RGD PMID:10072499 RGD:69712 NCBI chr 9:1...25,661,317 JBrowse link
Q Eae5 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 5 IDA RGD PMID:10640775 RGD:61031 NCBI chr12:19,610,870...46,669,029 JBrowse link
Q Eae6 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 6 IDA RGD PMID:10640775 RGD:61031 NCBI chr 1:172,949,660...181,830,018 JBrowse link
Q Eae7 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 7 IDA RGD PMID:10640775 RGD:61031 NCBI chr 1:216,255,568...260,522,016 JBrowse link
Q Eae8 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 8 IDA RGD PMID:10640775 RGD:61031 NCBI chr19:24,816,041...33,061,905 JBrowse link
Q Eae9 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 9 IDA RGD PMID:10640775 RGD:61031 NCBI chr 6:122,549,046...140,994,061 JBrowse link
Q Eaex Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL x IDA RGD PMID:10640775 RGD:61031 NCBI chr 5:55,715,622...100,715,622 JBrowse link
Q Eaey Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL y IDA RGD PMID:10640775 RGD:61031 NCBI chr18:46,988,939...60,377,753 JBrowse link
Q Eaez Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL z IDA RGD PMID:10640775 RGD:61031 NCBI chr18:12,357,786...12,874,620 JBrowse link

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  experimental condition 2376
    chemical 1266
      chemical with specified function 517
        antigen 158
          spinal cord homogenate 12
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