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The Vertebrate Trait Ontology (VT) is being developed as a collaborative effort between the Rat Genome Database at the Medical College of Wisconsin (RGD,, Mouse Genome Informatics at the Jackson Laboratory ( and the Animal QTL database at Iowa State University ( For more information about this vocabulary, or to request additions or changes, please contact us (

Term:renin activity
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Accession:VT:0005581 term browser browse the term
Definition:The degree of function or response of this enzyme, which cleaves angiotensinogen and creates angiotensin I.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: angiotensinogenase activity
 xref: EFO:0010616

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renin activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS1137861_H renin measurement QTL GWAS1137861 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:28369058
Q GWAS1277471_H renin measurement QTL GWAS1277471 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:34648354
Q GWAS1277701_H renin measurement QTL GWAS1277701 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:34648354
Q GWAS1310997_H renin measurement QTL GWAS1310997 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:33067605
Q GWAS1310999_H renin measurement QTL GWAS1310999 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:33067605
Q GWAS1311000_H renin measurement QTL GWAS1311000 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:33067605
Q GWAS1391762_H renin measurement, hypertension QTL GWAS1391762 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:35448080
Q GWAS1391763_H renin measurement, hypertension QTL GWAS1391763 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:35448080
Q GWAS1391764_H renin measurement, hypertension QTL GWAS1391764 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:35448080
Q GWAS1391765_H renin measurement, hypertension QTL GWAS1391765 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:35448080
Q GWAS1502751_H renin measurement QTL GWAS1502751 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36168886
Q GWAS1536577_H renin measurement QTL GWAS1536577 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:29875488
Q GWAS1553950_H renin measurement, hypertension QTL GWAS1553950 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:35448080
Q GWAS1553951_H renin measurement, hypertension QTL GWAS1553951 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:35448080
Q GWAS1555723_H renin measurement QTL GWAS1555723 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:38565889
Q GWAS1564818_H renin measurement QTL GWAS1564818 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:33067605
Q GWAS1564819_H renin measurement QTL GWAS1564819 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:33067605

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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  vertebrate trait 106303
    organism trait 64559
      metabolism trait 627
        enzyme/coenzyme activity trait 205
          renin activity 17
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