Organ that consists of a pouch located on the ventral caudal-fin lobe, opening posteriorly, and composed of glandular tissue. The caudal-fin organ presumably functions to secrete pheromones during courtship.
Definition reference:\nWeitzman SH, Menezes NA. 1998. Relationships of the tribes and genera of\nthe Glandulocaudiinae (Ostariophysi: Characiformes: Characidae), with a\ndescription of a new genus. In: Malabarba LR, Reis RE, Vari RP, Lucena ZMS,\nLucena CAS, editors. Phylogeny and Classification of Neotropical Fishes.\nPorto Alegre: EDIPUCRS. p 171-192.; [provenance-note] "This class was sourced from an external ontology (teleost_anatomy). Its definitions, naming conventions and relationships may need to be checked for compatibility with uberon" xsd:string {source=""}