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The Basic subset of the UBERON integrated, cross-species anatomy ontology is downloaded weekly from For more information about this ontology see the "About" page on the UBERON website at

Term:cervix glandular epithelium
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Accession:UBERON:0012250 term browser browse the term
Definition:A glandular epithelium that is part of a uterine cervix.
Comment:[structure-note] "The 'glandular' or columnar epithelium of the cervix is located cephalad to the squamocolumnar junction. It covers a variable amount of the ectocervix and lines the endocervical canal. It is comprised of a single layer of mucin-secreting cells. The epithelium is thrown into longitudinal folds and invaginations that make up the so-called endocervical glands (they are not true glands). These infolding crypts and channels make the cytologic and colposcopic detection of neoplasia less reliable and more problematic. The complex architecture of the endocervical glands gives the columnar epithelium a papillary appearance through the colposcope and a grainy appearance upon gross visual inspection. The single cell layer allows the coloration of the underlying vasculature to be seen more easily. Therefore, the columnar epithelium appears more red in comparison with the more opaque squamous epithelium." xsd:string {source=""}
Synonyms:related_synonym: cervix columnar epithelium
 xref: NCI:C54414;   UMLS:C1707350
 external_ontology: present_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9606

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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  UBERON ontology 0
    anatomical entity 0
      material anatomical entity 0
        anatomical structure 0
          multicellular anatomical structure 0
            tissue 0
              epithelium 0
                glandular epithelium 0
                  cervix glandular epithelium 0
                    endocervical epithelium 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  UBERON ontology 0
    anatomical entity 0
      material anatomical entity 0
        anatomical structure 0
          multicellular anatomical structure 0
            multicellular organism 0
              anatomical system 0
                reproductive system 0
                  reproductive structure 0
                    reproductive organ 0
                      internal genitalia 0
                        uterus 0
                          uterine epithelium 0
                            cervix epithelium 0
                              cervix glandular epithelium 0
                                endocervical epithelium 0
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