Vagal neural crest is adjacent to the first seven somites gives rise to both ganglionic and ectomesenchymal derivatives[ZFA].
[homology-note] "We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...).[well established][VHOG]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-09-17", external_class="VHOG:0001208", ontology="VHOG", source="ISBN:978-0030223693 Liem KF, Bemis WE, Walker WF, Grande L, Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates: An Evolutionary Perspective (2001) p.43", source=""}; [taxon-note] "In chicken fate mapping studies it was found to originate from neural crest residing between Somite 1-7 (S1-7); In mouse it is considered to be derived from rhombencephalic (post otic) neural crest cells and trunk neural crest cells (anterior to S5)" xsd:string {source=""}