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The Basic subset of the UBERON integrated, cross-species anatomy ontology is downloaded weekly from For more information about this ontology see the "About" page on the UBERON website at

Term:utricle valve
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Accession:UBERON:0003979 term browser browse the term
Definition:The utriculo-endolymphatic (UE) valve which is located in the antero-inferior wall of the utricle at the orifice of the utricular duct and serves to regulate endolymph volume in the endolymphatic sac, the utricle and the canals.

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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  UBERON ontology 0
    anatomical entity 0
      material anatomical entity 0
        anatomical structure 0
          ectoderm-derived structure 0
            utricle valve 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  UBERON ontology 0
    anatomical entity 0
      material anatomical entity 0
        anatomical structure 0
          multicellular anatomical structure 0
            multicellular organism 0
              embryo 0
                embryonic structure 0
                  embryonic tissue 0
                    germ layer / neural crest 0
                      germ layer 0
                        ectoderm 0
                          ectoderm-derived structure 0
                            non-neural ectoderm 0
                              preplacodal ectoderm 0
                                neurogenic placode 0
                                  dorsolateral placode 0
                                    otic placode 0
                                      otic pit 0
                                        ear vesicle 0
                                          internal ear 0
                                            membranous labyrinth 0
                                              vestibular labyrinth 0
                                                otolith organ 0
                                                  utricle of membranous labyrinth 0
                                                    utricle valve 0
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