The middle limb segment of the pectoral free limb, between the autopod and stylopod segments. Includes as parts the forelimb zeugopodial skeleton, which includes as parts the radius and ulna, or their cartilage precursors, or evolutionary variants.
[homology-note] "Most anatomists now agree that the three proximal bones of the tetrapod limbs are homologous to the two or three proximal elements of the paired fin skeleton of other sarcopterygians, that is the humerus-femur, radius-tibia, and ulna-fibula.[well established][VHOG]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-09-17", external_class="VHOG:0000341", ontology="VHOG", source="ISBN:978-0198540472 Janvier P, Early vertebrates (1996) p.268", source=""}; [terminology-note] "Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group. TODO - add distinct term for skeleton and place AAO class here"
antebrachial region; antibrachium; arm middle limb segment; arm zeugopod; brachial region middle limb segment; brachial region zeugopod; forearm; forelimb epipodium; forelimb zeugopodium; forelimb zygopod; intermediate segment of free upper limb; lower arm; lower segment of arm; middle limb segment of arm; middle limb segment of brachial region; middle limb segment of forelimb; middle limb segment of proximal segment of free upper limb; regio antebrachialis; zeugopod of arm; zeugopod of brachial region; zeugopod of forelimb; zeugopod of proximal segment of free upper limb