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The Basic subset of the UBERON integrated, cross-species anatomy ontology is downloaded weekly from For more information about this ontology see the "About" page on the UBERON website at

Term:truncus arteriosus
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Accession:UBERON:0002061 term browser browse the term
Definition:The truncus arteriosus and bulbus cordis are divided by the aorticopulmonary septum. The truncus arteriosus gives rise to the ascending aorta and the pulmonary trunk. The bulbus cordis gives rise to the smooth parts (outflow tract) of the left and right ventricles.
Synonyms:xref: EHDAA2:0004143;   EMAPA:35887;   FMA:70301;   GAID:554;   MA:0000103;   MESH:D014338;   NCI:C34317;   SCTID:308828009;   UMLS:C1519589;   Wikipedia:Truncus_arteriosus_(embryology)

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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  UBERON ontology 0
    anatomical entity 0
      material anatomical entity 0
        developing anatomical structure 0
          embryonic structure 0
            truncus arteriosus 0
              pulmonary artery + 0
              pulmonary vein + 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  UBERON ontology 0
    anatomical entity 0
      material anatomical entity 0
        anatomical structure 0
          multicellular anatomical structure 0
            multicellular organism 0
              embryo 0
                embryonic structure 0
                  epiblast (generic) 0
                    germ layer / neural crest 0
                      germ layer 0
                        mesoderm 0
                          mesoderm-derived structure 0
                            lateral plate mesoderm 0
                              primary heart field 0
                                cardiogenic splanchnic mesoderm 0
                                  heart primordium 0
                                    cardiogenic plate 0
                                      heart rudiment 0
                                        primitive heart tube 0
                                          heart tube 0
                                            heart 0
                                              coronary vessel 0
                                                heart blood vessel 0
                                                  aortic sac 0
                                                    truncus arteriosus 0
                                                      pulmonary artery + 0
                                                      pulmonary vein + 0
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