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The Basic subset of the UBERON integrated, cross-species anatomy ontology is downloaded weekly from For more information about this ontology see the "About" page on the UBERON website at

Term:smooth muscle tissue
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Accession:UBERON:0001135 term browser browse the term
Definition:Muscle tissue which is unstriated, composed primarily of smooth muscle fibers surrounded by a reticulum of collagen and elastic fibers. Smooth muscle differs from striated muscle in the much higher actin/myosin ratio, the absence of conspicuous sarcomeres and the ability to contract to a much smaller fraction of its resting length[GO].
Comment:[homology-note] "(...) the first bilateral animals possessed only smooth muscles with the molecular repertoire necessary to build a striated muscle. (...) it is more parsimonious to regard striated muscle cells as a sister cell type to the smooth muscle cells. In this scenario, striated and smooth muscles would have arisen in the stem lineage that led to the Nephrozoa (i.e. all Bilateria exclusive the acoelomorphs) (Hejnol et al., 2009), from an 'acoel-like' smooth muscle, by segregation and divergence of functions and through differential recruitment of additional genes[well established][VHOG]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-09-17", external_class="VHOG:0001246", ontology="VHOG", source="DOI:10.1002/jez.b.21416 Chiodin M, Achatz JG, Wanninger A, Martinez P, Molecular architecture of muscles in an acoel and its evolutionary implications. Journal of Experimental Zoology (2011)", source=""}; [terminology-note] "GO uses visceral and smooth interchangeably. However visceral can also be used in the sense of the viscera. Many fly annotations to smooth muscle terms. If we want to be inclusive of insects have to have a general definition of tissue that includes cells."
Synonyms:exact_synonym: involuntary muscle;   non-striated muscle;   smooth muscle;   textus muscularis nonstriatus
 narrow_synonym: visceral muscle;   visceral muscle tissue
 related_synonym: textus muscularis levis; textus muscularis nonstriatus
 xref: AAO:0010244;   AEO:0000141;   BTO:0001260;   CALOHA:TS-0943;   EFO:0000889;   EHDAA2:0003141;   EMAPA:32717;   EV:0100378;   FMA:14070;   GAID:167;   MA:0000166;   MAT:0000303;   MESH:D009130;   MIAA:0000303;   NCI:C12437;   TAO:0005274;   UMLS:C1267092;   VHOG:0001246;   WBbt:0005781;   Wikipedia:Smooth_muscle_tissue;   XAO:0000175;   ZFA:0005274;   galen:SmoothMuscle;   galen:SmoothMuscleTissue

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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  UBERON ontology 0
    anatomical entity 0
      material anatomical entity 0
        anatomical structure 0
          mesoderm-derived structure 0
            muscle tissue 0
              smooth muscle tissue 0
                anal region smooth muscle + 0
                arrector muscle of hair + 0
                arterial system smooth muscle + 0
                blood vessel smooth muscle + 0
                clitoral smooth muscle 0
                enteric circular muscle 0
                epididymis smooth muscle 0
                gallbladder smooth muscle 0
                gastrointestinal system smooth muscle + 0
                hepatic duct smooth muscle 0
                kidney pelvis smooth muscle 0
                lymphatic vessel smooth muscle + 0
                mammary gland smooth muscle 0
                mesonephric smooth muscle tissue 0
                metanephric smooth muscle tissue 0
                outflow tract smooth muscle 0
                oviduct smooth muscle 0
                prostate gland smooth muscle 0
                respiratory system smooth muscle + 0
                smooth muscle endomysium 0
                smooth muscle layer in fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue 0
                smooth muscle of esophagus + 0
                smooth muscle of eye + 0
                smooth muscle tissue layer of ejaculatory duct 0
                spleen smooth muscle 0
                umbilical smooth muscle 0
                ureter smooth muscle 0
                urethra smooth muscle layer 0
                urinary bladder smooth muscle + 0
                vagina smooth muscle 0
                visceral smooth muscle tissue 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  UBERON ontology 0
    anatomical entity 0
      material anatomical entity 0
        anatomical structure 0
          multicellular anatomical structure 0
            multicellular organism 0
              embryo 0
                embryonic structure 0
                  embryonic tissue 0
                    germ layer / neural crest 0
                      germ layer 0
                        mesoderm 0
                          mesoderm-derived structure 0
                            muscle tissue 0
                              smooth muscle tissue 0
                                anal region smooth muscle + 0
                                arrector muscle of hair + 0
                                arterial system smooth muscle + 0
                                blood vessel smooth muscle + 0
                                clitoral smooth muscle 0
                                enteric circular muscle 0
                                epididymis smooth muscle 0
                                gallbladder smooth muscle 0
                                gastrointestinal system smooth muscle + 0
                                hepatic duct smooth muscle 0
                                kidney pelvis smooth muscle 0
                                lymphatic vessel smooth muscle + 0
                                mammary gland smooth muscle 0
                                mesonephric smooth muscle tissue 0
                                metanephric smooth muscle tissue 0
                                outflow tract smooth muscle 0
                                oviduct smooth muscle 0
                                prostate gland smooth muscle 0
                                respiratory system smooth muscle + 0
                                smooth muscle endomysium 0
                                smooth muscle layer in fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue 0
                                smooth muscle of esophagus + 0
                                smooth muscle of eye + 0
                                smooth muscle tissue layer of ejaculatory duct 0
                                spleen smooth muscle 0
                                umbilical smooth muscle 0
                                ureter smooth muscle 0
                                urethra smooth muscle layer 0
                                urinary bladder smooth muscle + 0
                                vagina smooth muscle 0
                                visceral smooth muscle tissue 0
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