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The Basic subset of the UBERON integrated, cross-species anatomy ontology is downloaded weekly from For more information about this ontology see the "About" page on the UBERON website at

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Accession:UBERON:0000995 term browser browse the term
Definition:The female muscular organ of gestation in which the developing embryo or fetus is nourished until birth.
Comment:[development-note] "Two uteruses usually form initially in a female fetus, and in placental mammals they may partially or completely fuse into a single uterus depending on the species. In many species with two uteruses, only one is functional. Humans and other higher primates such as chimpanzees, along with horses, usually have a single completely fused uterus, although in some individuals the uteruses may not have completely fused [Wikipedia:Uterus]"; [homology-note] "An infundibulum, uterine tube, uterus, and vagina also differentiate along the oviducts of eutherian mammals.[well established][VHOG]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-09-17", external_class="VHOG:0001137", ontology="VHOG", source="ISBN:978-0030223693 Liem KF, Bemis WE, Walker WF, Grande L, Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates: An Evolutionary Perspective (2001) p.678", source=""}; [taxon-note] "Most animals that lay eggs, such as birds and reptiles, have an oviduct instead of a uterus. In monotremes, mammals which lay eggs and include the platypus, either the term uterus or oviduct is used to describe the same organ, but the egg does not develop a placenta within the mother and thus does not receive further nourishment after formation and fertilization. Marsupials have two uteruses, each of which connect to a lateral vagina and which both use a third, middle 'vagina' which functions as the birth canal. Marsupial embryos form a choriovitelline 'placenta' (which can be thought of as something between a monotreme egg and a 'true' placenta), in which the egg's yolk sac supplies a large part of the embryo's nutrition but also attaches to the uterine wall and takes nutrients from the mother's bloodstream."
Synonyms:xref: BTO:0001424;   CALOHA:TS-1102;   EFO:0000975;   EMAPA:29915;   EV:0100113;   FMA:17558;   GAID:172;   MA:0000389;   MAT:0000127;   MESH:D014599;   MIAA:0000127;   NCI:C12405;   SCTID:181452004;   UMLS:C0042149;   VHOG:0001137;   Wikipedia:Uterus;   galen:Uterus
 external_ontology: present_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9606
 relational_adjective: uterine

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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  UBERON ontology 0
    anatomical entity 0
      material anatomical entity 0
        developing anatomical structure 0
          embryonic structure 0
            presumptive structure 0
              embryonic uterus 0
                uterus 0
                  adnexa of uterus 0
                  bicornuate uterus 0
                  bipartite uterus 0
                  body of uterus 0
                  duplex uterus 0
                  gravid uterus 0
                  placenta + 0
                  simplex uterus 0
                  uterine cervix + 0
                  uterine epithelium + 0
                  uterine fat pad + 0
                  uterine horn + 0
                  uterine lumen + 0
                  uterine vein 0
                  uterine wall + 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  UBERON ontology 0
    anatomical entity 0
      material anatomical entity 0
        anatomical structure 0
          multicellular anatomical structure 0
            multicellular organism 0
              anatomical system 0
                organ 0
                  organ part 0
                    subdivision of tube 0
                      subdivision of oviduct 0
                        uterus 0
                          adnexa of uterus 0
                          bicornuate uterus 0
                          bipartite uterus 0
                          body of uterus 0
                          duplex uterus 0
                          gravid uterus 0
                          placenta + 0
                          simplex uterus 0
                          uterine cervix + 0
                          uterine epithelium + 0
                          uterine fat pad + 0
                          uterine horn + 0
                          uterine lumen + 0
                          uterine vein 0
                          uterine wall + 0
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