Lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina.
[homology-note] "The evolution of mammals is associated with radical changes in their reproductive biology, particularly the structure and function of the female reproductive organs. These changes include the evolution of the uterus, cervix, vagina, placenta and specialized cell types associated with each of those structures.[well established][VHOG]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-09-17", external_class="VHOG:0001359", ontology="VHOG", source="DOI:10.1098/rspb.2004.2848 Lynch VJ, Roth JJ, Takahashi K, Dunn CW, Nonaka DF, Stopper GF, Wagner GP, Adaptive evolution of HoxA-11 and HoxA-13 at the origin of the uterus in mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B (2004)", source="http://bgee.unil.ch/"}
canalis cervicis uteri; caudal segment of uterus; cervical canal of uterus; cervix uteri; neck of uterus