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The Pathway Ontology (PW), is currently being developed at the Rat Genome Database. For more information about this vocabulary, please see Petri et al. The rat genome database pathway portal. Database (Oxford). 2011 Apr 8;2011:bar010. Print 2011 or contact us (

Term:gemcitabine pharmacokinetics pathway
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Accession:PW:0000759 term browser browse the term
Definition:The pathway of processing - absorption, distribution, metabolism or elimination of gemcitabine. Gemcitabine is a cytidine analogue administered as a prodrug for the treatment of certain cancers. The diphosphate form is an inhibitor of ribonucleotide reductases, essential enzymes of deoxyribonucleotide synthesis. Genetic variations can result in changes in the availability of the drug.
Synonyms:related_synonym: SMP:00603

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gemcitabine pharmacokinetics pathway term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cmpk1 cytidine/uridine monophosphate kinase 1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00603 NCBI chrNW_004936474:28,147,459...28,180,779
Ensembl chrNW_004936474:28,147,085...28,182,043
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G Ctps1 CTP synthase 1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00603 NCBI chrNW_004936474:22,611,037...22,633,208
Ensembl chrNW_004936474:22,602,800...22,633,169
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G Dck deoxycytidine kinase ISO SMPDB SMP:00603 NCBI chrNW_004936598:3,819,239...3,846,692
Ensembl chrNW_004936598:3,817,994...3,843,241
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G Dctd dCMP deaminase ISO SMPDB SMP:00603 NCBI chrNW_004936554:6,088,544...6,110,274
Ensembl chrNW_004936554:6,088,538...6,118,976
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G Nt5c 5', 3'-nucleotidase, cytosolic ISO SMPDB SMP:00603 NCBI chrNW_004936594:430,274...432,027
Ensembl chrNW_004936594:430,506...432,095
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G Rrm1 ribonucleotide reductase catalytic subunit M1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00603 NCBI chrNW_004936498:815,401...848,749
Ensembl chrNW_004936498:815,399...848,793
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G Rrm2 ribonucleotide reductase regulatory subunit M2 ISO SMPDB SMP:00603 NCBI chrNW_004936532:6,348,041...6,390,144 JBrowse link
G Rrm2b ribonucleotide reductase regulatory TP53 inducible subunit M2B ISO SMPDB SMP:00603 NCBI chrNW_004936470:41,354,387...41,401,308
Ensembl chrNW_004936470:41,354,287...41,401,317
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G Slc28a1 solute carrier family 28 member 1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00603 NCBI chrNW_004936483:16,929,896...16,976,560
Ensembl chrNW_004936483:16,929,896...16,975,969
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G Slc28a3 solute carrier family 28 member 3 ISO SMPDB SMP:00603 NCBI chrNW_004937156:124,342...165,937 JBrowse link
G Slc29a1 solute carrier family 29 member 1 (Augustine blood group) ISO SMPDB SMP:00603 NCBI chrNW_004936476:15,849,054...15,862,486
Ensembl chrNW_004936476:15,846,606...15,862,548
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G Tyms thymidylate synthetase ISO SMPDB SMP:00603 NCBI chrNW_004936550:33,797...42,233
Ensembl chrNW_004936550:34,048...41,840
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  pathway 3945
    drug pathway 362
      antineoplastic and immunomodulatory drug pathway 135
        antineoplastic drug pathway 134
          gemcitabine pathway 12
            gemcitabine pharmacokinetics pathway 12
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