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The Pathway Ontology (PW), is currently being developed at the Rat Genome Database. For more information about this vocabulary, please see Petri et al. The rat genome database pathway portal. Database (Oxford). 2011 Apr 8;2011:bar010. Print 2011 or contact us (

Term:triamterene pharmacodynamics pathway
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Accession:PW:0001792 term browser browse the term
Definition:The pathway of triamterene-target interaction and of the biochemical or physiological responses to drug. The drug blocks the epithelial sodium channels and is used in the treatment of hypertension. Genetic variations can cause differences in the response of the organism to the drug.
Synonyms:related_synonym: SMP:00132

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triamterene pharmacodynamics pathway term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Aqp1 aquaporin 1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 4:84,482,512...84,494,690
Ensembl chr 4:84,482,512...84,494,690
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G Aqp2 aquaporin 2 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 7:130,711,433...130,716,468
Ensembl chr 7:130,711,413...130,716,468
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G Aqp3 aquaporin 3 (Gill blood group) ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 5:56,239,200...56,244,718
Ensembl chr 5:56,239,201...56,244,720
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G Atp1a1 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 2:189,020,722...189,048,826
Ensembl chr 2:189,020,722...189,048,837
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G Atp1a2 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 2 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr13:84,729,597...84,754,544
Ensembl chr13:84,729,601...84,754,544
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G Atp1a3 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 3 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 1:80,572,790...80,601,936
Ensembl chr 1:80,572,796...80,601,918
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G Atp1a4 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 4 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr13:84,683,766...84,719,790
Ensembl chr13:84,683,768...84,719,687
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G Atp1b1 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr13:76,786,580...76,807,096
Ensembl chr13:76,786,578...76,807,459
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G Atp1b2 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 2 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr10:54,318,698...54,324,933
Ensembl chr10:54,318,701...54,324,933
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G Atp1b3 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 3 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 8:96,910,265...96,941,592
Ensembl chr 8:96,910,309...96,941,598
Ensembl chr 8:96,910,309...96,941,598
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G Atp1b4 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting family member beta 4 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr  X:117,087,284...117,108,023
Ensembl chr  X:117,057,423...117,108,020
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G Clcnka chloride voltage-gated channel Ka ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 5:153,691,208...153,706,295
Ensembl chr 5:153,691,209...153,706,148
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G Fxyd2 FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 2 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 8:45,712,901...45,720,032
Ensembl chr 8:45,712,903...45,720,203
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G Nr3c2 nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr19:30,715,634...31,059,885
Ensembl chr19:30,715,648...31,059,885
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G Scnn1a sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit alpha ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 4:158,122,962...158,146,184
Ensembl chr 4:158,122,962...158,146,181
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G Scnn1b sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit beta ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 1:176,430,063...176,484,451
Ensembl chr 1:176,430,103...176,484,451
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G Scnn1g sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit gamma ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 1:176,304,942...176,338,816
Ensembl chr 1:176,304,942...176,338,816
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G Slc12a1 solute carrier family 12 member 1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 3:112,406,140...112,482,913
Ensembl chr 3:112,406,140...112,482,899
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G Slc12a3 solute carrier family 12 member 3 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr19:10,630,651...10,679,250
Ensembl chr19:10,631,393...10,669,091
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G Slc12a6 solute carrier family 12, member 6 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 3:99,071,577...99,170,266
Ensembl chr 3:99,071,391...99,170,258
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G Slc14a2 solute carrier family 14 member 2 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr18:71,612,460...72,039,462
Ensembl chr18:71,612,460...71,792,968
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G Slc1a1 solute carrier family 1 member 1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 1:226,549,932...226,631,925
Ensembl chr 1:226,549,842...226,630,402
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G Slc22a2 solute carrier family 22 member 2 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 1:48,121,061...48,163,268
Ensembl chr 1:48,121,061...48,163,268
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G Slc22a6 solute carrier family 22 member 6 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 1:205,522,579...205,531,179
Ensembl chr 1:205,522,729...205,531,173
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G Slc38a4 solute carrier family 38, member 4 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 7:128,142,866...128,203,000
Ensembl chr 7:128,144,807...128,202,995
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G Slc3a1 solute carrier family 3 member 1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 6:9,608,169...9,641,881
Ensembl chr 6:9,608,178...9,641,907
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G Slc3a2 solute carrier family 3 member 2 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 1:205,604,468...205,618,931
Ensembl chr 1:205,604,468...205,618,931
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G Slc6a20a solute carrier family 6 member 20a ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 8:123,282,325...123,322,609
Ensembl chr 8:123,281,472...123,322,573
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G Slc7a5 solute carrier family 7 member 5 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr19:49,935,220...49,963,823
Ensembl chr19:49,935,220...49,963,823
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G Slc7a6 solute carrier family 7 member 6 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr19:34,073,472...34,100,268
Ensembl chr19:34,074,286...34,100,268
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G Slc7a7 solute carrier family 7 member 7 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr15:27,822,088...27,873,121
Ensembl chr15:27,822,091...27,865,648
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G Slc7a8 solute carrier family 7 member 8 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr15:28,183,013...28,242,717
Ensembl chr15:28,183,015...28,242,717
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G Slc7a9 solute carrier family 7 member 9 ISO SMPDB SMP:00132 NCBI chr 1:88,109,517...88,132,653
Ensembl chr 1:88,110,644...88,132,641
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  pathway 6092
    drug pathway 397
      cardiovascular system drug pathway 184
        triamterene drug pathway 33
          triamterene pharmacodynamics pathway 33
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