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The Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology and Mammalian Phenotype Ontology are downloaded weekly from the Mouse Genome Informatics databases at Jackson Laboratories ( For more information about these ontologies, see the MGI Publications Page at

Term:decreased embryo weight
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Accession:MP:0009429 term browser browse the term
Definition:reduced weight of an embryo compared to littermates or other controls (sensu Mus: up to E14, or the completion of organogenesis)
Synonyms:exact_synonym: reduced embryo weight
 broad_synonym: Small for gestational age
 xref: HP:0001518

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decreased embryo weight term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Apela apelin receptor early endogenous ligand IAGP MGI PMID:28663440 NCBI chr 8:65,481,069...65,489,970
Ensembl chr 8:65,481,069...65,489,988
JBrowse link
G Braf Braf transforming gene IAGP MGI PMID:9207797 NCBI chr 6:39,580,171...39,702,592
Ensembl chr 6:39,580,171...39,702,397
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G Cluh clustered mitochondria homolog IAGP MGI PMID:28188211 NCBI chr11:74,539,707...74,561,680
Ensembl chr11:74,540,321...74,561,673
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G Ctcf CCCTC-binding factor IAGP MGI PMID:38951485 NCBI chr 8:106,351,135...106,409,554
Ensembl chr 8:106,363,200...106,409,554
JBrowse link
G Dlg1 discs large MAGUK scaffold protein 1 IAGP MGI PMID:16105026 NCBI chr16:31,482,261...31,692,174
Ensembl chr16:31,482,261...31,693,947
JBrowse link
G Egfr epidermal growth factor receptor IAGP MGI PMID:7618085 NCBI chr11:16,700,153...16,868,158
Ensembl chr11:16,702,203...16,868,158
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G Ehmt1 euchromatic histone methyltransferase 1 IAGP MGI PMID:25637356 NCBI chr 2:24,680,781...24,809,658
Ensembl chr 2:24,679,940...24,809,626
JBrowse link
G Erf Ets2 repressor factor IAGP MGI PMID:17502352 NCBI chr 7:24,941,985...24,950,522
Ensembl chr 7:24,941,986...24,950,186
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G Fancl Fanconi anemia, complementation group L IAGP MGI PMID:12417526 NCBI chr11:26,337,084...26,421,883
Ensembl chr11:26,336,135...26,421,876
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G Fxn frataxin IAGP MGI PMID:32586831 NCBI chr19:24,236,909...24,257,954
Ensembl chr19:24,238,817...24,257,969
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G Gins3 GINS complex subunit 3 IAGP MGI PMID:35603789 NCBI chr 8:96,360,187...96,371,687
Ensembl chr 8:96,360,081...96,371,688
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G Hdac8 histone deacetylase 8 IAGP MGI PMID:19605684 PMID:32800293 NCBI chr  X:101,328,244...101,549,005
Ensembl chr  X:101,328,245...101,548,965
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G Hells helicase, lymphoid specific IAGP MGI PMID:15105378 NCBI chr19:38,913,282...38,958,914
Ensembl chr19:38,919,359...38,959,495
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G Hs3st1 heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 1 IAGP MGI PMID:12671048 NCBI chr 5:39,771,278...39,802,791
Ensembl chr 5:39,771,278...39,912,818
JBrowse link
G Id1 inhibitor of DNA binding 1, HLH protein IAGP MGI PMID:10537105 NCBI chr 2:152,578,171...152,579,330
Ensembl chr 2:152,578,171...152,579,330
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G Id3 inhibitor of DNA binding 3 IAGP MGI PMID:10537105 NCBI chr 4:135,871,133...135,872,703
Ensembl chr 4:135,870,808...135,873,066
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G Krt8 keratin 8 IAGP MGI PMID:7686525 NCBI chr15:101,905,146...101,912,777
Ensembl chr15:101,905,133...101,912,917
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G Lin28a lin-28 homolog A IAGP MGI PMID:23666760 NCBI chr 4:133,730,641...133,746,504
Ensembl chr 4:133,730,641...133,746,152
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G Mark2 MAP/microtubule affinity regulating kinase 2 IAGP MGI PMID:17372192 NCBI chr19:7,252,761...7,319,222
Ensembl chr19:7,252,761...7,319,225
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G Nipbl NIPBL cohesin loading factor IAGP MGI PMID:32800293 NCBI chr15:8,319,308...8,494,799
Ensembl chr15:8,320,101...8,473,947
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G Nosip nitric oxide synthase interacting protein IAGP MGI PMID:25546391 NCBI chr 7:44,711,840...44,727,927
Ensembl chr 7:44,711,853...44,727,634
JBrowse link
G Pex2 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 2 IAGP MGI PMID:9382874 NCBI chr 3:5,625,248...5,643,655
Ensembl chr 3:5,625,248...5,641,299
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G Picalm phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein IAGP MGI PMID:22363754 NCBI chr 7:89,778,711...89,858,655
Ensembl chr 7:89,779,421...89,862,673
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G Plag1 pleiomorphic adenoma gene 1 IAGP MGI PMID:15606491 NCBI chr 4:3,895,209...3,938,429
Ensembl chr 4:3,900,996...3,938,423
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G Pnpla1 patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 1 IAGP MGI PMID:27751867 NCBI chr17:29,077,262...29,109,282
Ensembl chr17:29,077,385...29,109,283
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G Pole4 polymerase (DNA-directed), epsilon 4 (p12 subunit) IAGP MGI PMID:29754823 NCBI chr 6:82,593,513...82,629,985
Ensembl chr 6:82,595,973...82,682,346
JBrowse link
G Raf1 v-raf-leukemia viral oncogene 1 IAGP MGI PMID:11296228 NCBI chr 6:115,595,530...115,653,596
Ensembl chr 6:115,595,028...115,653,596
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G Rps12 ribosomal protein S12 IAGP MGI PMID:37272618 NCBI chr10:23,661,042...23,664,297
Ensembl chr10:23,661,081...23,663,173
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G Scrib scribbled planar cell polarity IAGP MGI PMID:10862153 NCBI chr15:75,919,011...75,941,633
Ensembl chr15:75,919,007...75,941,633
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G Syde1 synapse defective 1, Rho GTPase, homolog 1 (C. elegans) IAGP MGI PMID:27917469 NCBI chr10:78,420,336...78,427,798
Ensembl chr10:78,420,337...78,427,798
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G Syna syncytin a IAGP MGI PMID:19564597 NCBI chr 5:134,586,108...134,605,891
Ensembl chr 5:134,587,000...134,589,025
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G Xbp1 X-box binding protein 1 IAGP MGI PMID:23529610 NCBI chr11:5,470,641...5,475,993
Ensembl chr11:5,470,659...5,475,893
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G Zfp296 zinc finger protein 296 IAGP MGI PMID:28963472 NCBI chr 7:19,311,212...19,314,581
Ensembl chr 7:19,311,212...19,314,581
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  mammalian phenotype 17090
    embryo phenotype 2533
      abnormal embryo morphology 1917
        abnormal embryo size 1061
          decreased embryo size 771
            decreased embryo weight 33
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  mammalian phenotype 17090
    growth/size/body region phenotype 6996
      abnormal prenatal growth/weight/body size 1687
        abnormal embryonic growth/weight/body size 1456
          abnormal embryo size 1061
            decreased embryo size 771
              decreased embryo weight 33
paths to the root