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The Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology and Mammalian Phenotype Ontology are downloaded weekly from the Mouse Genome Informatics databases at Jackson Laboratories ( For more information about these ontologies, see the MGI Publications Page at

Term:increased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure
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Accession:MP:0006144 term browser browse the term
Definition:abnormal increase in the pressure in the arteries as the heart contracts and pumps blood into the arteries

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increased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Add1 adducin 1 IAGP RGD PMID:15474463 RGD:1302895 NCBI chr14:76,108,643...76,167,267
Ensembl chr14:76,108,654...76,167,182
JBrowse link
G Adora2b adenosine A2B receptor IMP RGD PMID:26385692 RGD:11533328 NCBI chr10:46,940,394...46,956,772
Ensembl chr10:46,940,384...46,956,772
JBrowse link
G Adora2bem2Mcwi adenosine A2B receptor; zinc finger nuclease induced mutant 2, Medical College of Wisconsin IMP RGD PMID:26385692 RGD:11533328
G Alms1 ALMS1, centrosome and basal body associated protein exacerbates IMP compared to wild type RGD PMID:30385718 RGD:151361229 NCBI chr 4:118,125,581...118,226,005
Ensembl chr 4:118,125,607...118,226,005
JBrowse link
G Alms1em1Mcwi Alstrom syndrome 1 homolog (human); zinc finger nuclease induced mutant 1, Medical College of Wisconsin exacerbates IMP compared to wild type RGD PMID:30385718 RGD:151361229
G Cyp11b1 cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 IAGP RGD PMID:7981756 RGD:69709 NCBI chr 7:106,772,597...106,780,536
Ensembl chr 7:106,718,274...106,779,278
JBrowse link
G Ednra endothelin receptor type A IDA RGD PMID:16157796 RGD:1581830 NCBI chr19:30,233,540...30,303,727
Ensembl chr19:30,233,571...30,297,049
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G Egln1 egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 1 IAGP DNA:duplication RGD PMID:20231529 RGD:11251783 NCBI chr19:52,867,900...52,907,308
Ensembl chr19:52,869,486...52,907,777
JBrowse link
G Kcnq1 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 1 IAGP DNA:deletion:exon (rat) RGD PMID:16368876 RGD:1581602 NCBI chr 1:198,291,711...198,624,683
Ensembl chr 1:198,291,766...198,624,669
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G Kcnq1dfk potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 1;deafness Kyoto IAGP RGD PMID:16368876 RGD:1581602
G Lepr leptin receptor treatment
compared to treated
compared to SS/JrHsdMcwi
RGD PMID:23154293 PMID:33568522 PMID:27465994 RGD:13432147, RGD:401965412, RGD:12911217 NCBI chr 5:116,294,409...116,477,904
Ensembl chr 5:116,289,823...116,475,908
JBrowse link
G Leprem2Mcwi leptin receptor; zinc finger nuclease induced mutant 2, Medical College of Wisconsin onset IMP compared to SS/JrHsdMcwi RGD PMID:27465994 RGD:12911217
G Leprfa leptin receptor; fa mutant IAGP RGD PMID:23154293 RGD:13432147
G Nppa natriuretic peptide A IMP as compared to the wild-type RGD PMID:24006081 RGD:8662415 NCBI chr 5:158,429,042...158,430,351
Ensembl chr 5:158,429,042...158,430,351
JBrowse link
G Plod1 procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 1 IMP as compared to the wild-type RGD PMID:24006081 RGD:8662415 NCBI chr 5:158,340,674...158,367,581
Ensembl chr 5:158,340,490...158,367,620
JBrowse link
G Rarres2 retinoic acid receptor responder 2 sexual_dimorphism IMP compared to male wild-type RGD PMID:29906243 PMID:29906243 RGD:38596340, RGD:38596340 NCBI chr 4:77,522,549...77,525,733
Ensembl chr 4:77,522,535...77,525,556
JBrowse link
G Rarres2em1Msu retinoic acid receptor responder 2; CRISPR/Cas9 induced mutant 1, Msu sexual_dimorphism IMP compared to male wild-type RGD PMID:29906243 PMID:29906243 RGD:38596340, RGD:38596340
G Sod3 superoxide dismutase 3 onset IMP compared to SS/JrHsdMcwi RGD PMID:31972339 RGD:150573712 NCBI chr14:58,610,104...58,615,845
Ensembl chr14:58,609,958...58,615,990
JBrowse link
G Sod3m1Mcwi superoxide dismutase 3; mutation 1, Medical College of Wisconsin onset IMP compared to SS/JrHsdMcwi RGD PMID:31972339 RGD:150573712

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  mammalian phenotype 5420
    cardiovascular system phenotype 1371
      abnormal cardiovascular system physiology 1148
        abnormal systemic arterial blood pressure 994
          increased systemic arterial blood pressure 635
            increased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure 138
paths to the root