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The Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology and Mammalian Phenotype Ontology are downloaded weekly from the Mouse Genome Informatics databases at Jackson Laboratories ( For more information about these ontologies, see the MGI Publications Page at

Term:abnormal sensory capabilities/reflexes/nociception
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Accession:MP:0002067 term browser browse the term
Definition:inability or altered ability to respond to a sensory stimulus
Synonyms:exact_synonym: neurological/behavioral: sensory capabilities/reflexes/nociception abnormalities;   neurological/behavioural: sensory capabilities/reflexes/nociception abnormalities
 xref: MGI:2173572

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abnormal mechanical nociception term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna1f calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 F IAGP DNA:mutation:cds: c.2941C>T RGD PMID:22800190 RGD:13792551 NCBI chr  X:14,868,096...14,896,413
Ensembl chr  X:14,868,024...14,896,413
JBrowse link
G Cacna1f csnb calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 F; congenital stationary night blindness mutant IAGP DNA:mutation:cds: c.2941C>T RGD PMID:22800190 RGD:13792551
abnormal nociception after inflammation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G F2r coagulation factor II (thrombin) receptor IDA RGD PMID:12126749 RGD:1582348 NCBI chr 2:26,869,343...26,885,856
Ensembl chr 2:26,868,404...26,885,870
JBrowse link
abnormal pain threshold term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Dpp4 dipeptidylpeptidase 4 IAGP RGD PMID:14568317 RGD:1626460 NCBI chr 3:46,962,233...47,043,870
Ensembl chr 3:46,962,243...47,043,901
JBrowse link
G Scn9a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 9 induces IMP RGD PMID:31550995 RGD:150429745 NCBI chr 3:51,145,148...51,293,342
Ensembl chr 3:51,145,146...51,293,516
JBrowse link
G Scn9a*tm1Amgn sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 9;ZFN induced target mutant1, Amgn induces IMP RGD PMID:31550995 RGD:150429745
abnormal reflex term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Hcn1 hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 IMP RGD PMID:30408474 RGD:26923909 NCBI chr 2:49,495,771...49,899,983
Ensembl chr 2:49,495,771...49,899,774
JBrowse link
G Hcn1em1Kyo hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1; TALEN induced mutant 1, Kyo IMP RGD PMID:30408474 RGD:26923909
abnormal response to electrical stimuli term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Grm2 glutamate metabotropic receptor 2 IMP knockout compared to wild type RGD PMID:28700935 RGD:38501064 NCBI chr 8:107,280,099...107,293,159
Ensembl chr 8:107,280,099...107,293,146
JBrowse link
G Grm2em1 glutamate metabotropic receptor 2; endonuclease induced mutant 1 IMP KO compared to wild-type rats RGD PMID:28700935 RGD:38501064
abnormal startle reflex term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Fmr1 fragile X messenger ribonucleoprotein 1 sexual_dimorphism
IAGP in wild type controls
compared to wild type controls
RGD PMID:32144356 PMID:32144356 RGD:35668860, RGD:35668860 NCBI chr  X:147,240,239...147,278,057
Ensembl chr  X:147,240,301...147,278,050
JBrowse link
G Fmr1em2Mcwi FMRP translational regulator 1; CRISPR/Cas9 induced mutant 2, Medical College of Wisconsin sexual_dimorphism
IAGP in wild type controls
compared to wild type controls
RGD PMID:32144356 PMID:32144356 RGD:35668860, RGD:35668860
abnormal thermal nociception term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cplx1 complexin 1 IMP RGD PMID:31875236 RGD:127285808 NCBI chr14:1,184,677...1,216,392 JBrowse link
allodynia term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Gla galactosidase, alpha IMP RGD PMID:29563343 RGD:150429980 NCBI chr  X:97,769,227...97,780,646
Ensembl chr  X:97,768,996...97,780,664
JBrowse link
G Glaem2Mcwi galactosidase, alpha; CRISPR/Cas9 system induced mutant 2, Medical College of Wisconsin IMP compared to wild type RGD PMID:29563343 RGD:150429980
decreased chemical nociceptive threshold term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Oprl1 opioid related nociceptin receptor 1 induces IMP RGD PMID:21184763 RGD:126925219 NCBI chr 3:168,831,934...168,839,920
Ensembl chr 3:168,834,003...168,839,920
JBrowse link
G Oprl1m1Hubr opioid related nociceptin receptor 1; ENU induced mutant1, Hubr induces IMP RGD PMID:21184763 RGD:126925219
decreased mechanical nociceptive threshold term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Gla galactosidase, alpha IMP RGD PMID:29563343 RGD:150429980 NCBI chr  X:97,769,227...97,780,646
Ensembl chr  X:97,768,996...97,780,664
JBrowse link
G Glaem2Mcwi galactosidase, alpha; CRISPR/Cas9 system induced mutant 2, Medical College of Wisconsin IMP compared to wild type RGD PMID:29563343 RGD:150429980
G Oprl1 opioid related nociceptin receptor 1 IMP RGD PMID:25704616 RGD:14349028 NCBI chr 3:168,831,934...168,839,920
Ensembl chr 3:168,834,003...168,839,920
JBrowse link
G Oprl1m1Hubr opioid related nociceptin receptor 1; ENU induced mutant1, Hubr IMP RGD PMID:25704616 RGD:14349028
decreased startle reflex term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Bace1 beta-secretase 1 IMP RGD PMID:28281673 RGD:13782149 NCBI chr 8:46,142,060...46,166,268
Ensembl chr 8:46,142,116...46,165,876
JBrowse link
G Bace1em1Sage IMP RGD PMID:28281673 RGD:13782149
G Ngly1 N-glycanase 1 IMP RGD PMID:32259258 RGD:39457703 NCBI chr15:9,153,738...9,210,228
Ensembl chr15:9,153,738...9,204,630
JBrowse link
G Ngly1em1Ta N-glycanase 1; CRISPR/Cas9 induced mutant 1, Ta IMP compared to wild type RGD PMID:32259258 RGD:39457703
decreased thermal nociceptive threshold term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ano3 anoctamin 3 IMP RGD PMID:23872594 RGD:9681745 NCBI chr 3:97,235,671...97,550,090
Ensembl chr 3:97,238,354...97,550,154
JBrowse link
hyperresponsive to tactile stimuli term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ano3 anoctamin 3 IMP RGD PMID:23872594 RGD:9681745 NCBI chr 3:97,235,671...97,550,090
Ensembl chr 3:97,238,354...97,550,154
JBrowse link
G Gla galactosidase, alpha IMP RGD PMID:29563343 RGD:150429980 NCBI chr  X:97,769,227...97,780,646
Ensembl chr  X:97,768,996...97,780,664
JBrowse link
G Glaem2Mcwi galactosidase, alpha; CRISPR/Cas9 system induced mutant 2, Medical College of Wisconsin IMP compared to wild type RGD PMID:29563343 RGD:150429980
hyporesponsive to tactile stimuli term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ngly1 N-glycanase 1 IMP RGD PMID:32259258 RGD:39457703 NCBI chr15:9,153,738...9,210,228
Ensembl chr15:9,153,738...9,204,630
JBrowse link
G Ngly1em1Ta N-glycanase 1; CRISPR/Cas9 induced mutant 1, Ta IMP RGD PMID:32259258 RGD:39457703
increased chemical nociceptive threshold term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Scn9a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 9 induces IMP RGD PMID:31550995 RGD:150429745 NCBI chr 3:51,145,148...51,293,342
Ensembl chr 3:51,145,146...51,293,516
JBrowse link
G Scn9a*tm1Amgn sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 9;ZFN induced target mutant1, Amgn induces IMP RGD PMID:31550995 RGD:150429745
increased chemically-elicited antinociception term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Grm2 glutamate metabotropic receptor 2 IMP knock-out compared to wild-type rats RGD PMID:30283001 RGD:38501063 NCBI chr 8:107,280,099...107,293,159
Ensembl chr 8:107,280,099...107,293,146
JBrowse link
G Grm2em1 glutamate metabotropic receptor 2; endonuclease induced mutant 1 IMP KO compared to wild-type rats RGD PMID:30283001 RGD:38501063
increased mechanical nociceptive threshold term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G C3 complement C3 induced IMP RGD PMID:29695418 PMID:29695418 RGD:19165124, RGD:19165124 NCBI chr 9:2,087,437...2,114,366
Ensembl chr 9:2,087,437...2,114,429
JBrowse link
G C3em1Linf complement C3; CRISPR/Cas9 system induced mutant 1, Linf induced IMP RGD PMID:29695418 PMID:29695418 RGD:19165124, RGD:19165124
G Fcgr1a Fc gamma receptor 1A IMP RGD PMID:32510872 RGD:127338469 NCBI chr 2:183,851,075...183,860,077
Ensembl chr 2:183,851,077...183,859,994
JBrowse link
G Mir500 microRNA 500 induces IMP RGD PMID:27277808 RGD:405850240 NCBI chr  X:15,258,778...15,258,857
Ensembl chr  X:15,258,768...15,258,859
JBrowse link
G Mir500 em1Cgen microRNA 500 induces IMP RGD PMID:27277808 RGD:405850240
increased startle reflex term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Adgrl3 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L3 IMP compared to wild type RGD PMID:31176715 RGD:127285660 NCBI chr14:26,336,320...27,104,060
Ensembl chr14:26,368,277...27,105,860
JBrowse link
G Adgrl3em1Huyc adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L3; CRISPR/Cas9 induced mutant1, Huyc IMP compared to wild type RGD PMID:31176715 RGD:127285660
G Cntnap2 contactin associated protein 2 IMP RGD PMID:30126973 RGD:126790476 NCBI chr 4:74,109,455...76,366,434
Ensembl chr 4:74,109,472...76,362,027
JBrowse link
G Cntnap2em1Sage contactin associated protein-like 2; zinc finger nuclease induced mutant 1, Sigma Advanced Genetic Engineering Labs IMP RGD PMID:30126973 RGD:126790476
G Nrg1 neuregulin 1 sexual_dimorphism IAGP compared to female RGD PMID:21620900 RGD:405650204 NCBI chr16:59,250,658...60,304,519
Ensembl chr16:59,250,854...60,296,884
JBrowse link
G Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi neuregulin 1; transposon insertion 2.183, Medical College of Wisconsin sexual_dimorphism IAGP compared to female RGD PMID:21620900 RGD:405650204
G Nrxn1 neurexin 1 IMP compared to wild type littermate RGD PMID:25420124 RGD:12914797 NCBI chr 6:3,177,788...4,323,848
Ensembl chr 6:3,177,897...4,322,710
JBrowse link
G Nrxn1em1 neurexin 1; zinc finger nuclease induced mutant 1, Sigma Advanced Genetic Engineering Labs IMP compared to wild type littermate RGD PMID:25420124 RGD:12914797
increased thermal nociceptive threshold term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Bace1 beta-secretase 1 IMP RGD PMID:28281673 RGD:13782149 NCBI chr 8:46,142,060...46,166,268
Ensembl chr 8:46,142,116...46,165,876
JBrowse link
G Bace1em1Sage IMP RGD PMID:28281673 RGD:13782149
G Fcgr1a Fc gamma receptor 1A IMP RGD PMID:32510872 RGD:127338469 NCBI chr 2:183,851,075...183,860,077
Ensembl chr 2:183,851,077...183,859,994
JBrowse link
G Grm2 glutamate metabotropic receptor 2 IMP knock-out compared to wild-type rats RGD PMID:30283001 RGD:38501063 NCBI chr 8:107,280,099...107,293,159
Ensembl chr 8:107,280,099...107,293,146
JBrowse link
G Grm2em1 glutamate metabotropic receptor 2; endonuclease induced mutant 1 IMP KO compared to wild-type rats RGD PMID:30283001 RGD:38501063
G Mir500 microRNA 500 induces IMP RGD PMID:27277808 RGD:405850240 NCBI chr  X:15,258,778...15,258,857
Ensembl chr  X:15,258,768...15,258,859
JBrowse link
G Mir500 em1Cgen microRNA 500 induces IMP RGD PMID:27277808 RGD:405850240
G Prkar1b protein kinase cAMP-dependent type I regulatory subunit beta IMP RGD PMID:33479380 RGD:150519900 NCBI chr12:15,492,233...15,624,942
Ensembl chr12:15,511,801...15,624,942
JBrowse link
G Prkar1bem2Tua protein kinase cAMP-dependent type I regulatory subunit beta; CRISPR/Cas9 induced mutant 2, Tua IMP RGD PMID:33479380 RGD:150519900
G Scn9a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 9 induces IMP RGD PMID:31550995 RGD:150429745 NCBI chr 3:51,145,148...51,293,342
Ensembl chr 3:51,145,146...51,293,516
JBrowse link
G Scn9a*tm1Amgn sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 9;ZFN induced target mutant1, Amgn induces IMP RGD PMID:31550995 RGD:150429745
limb grasping term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Mecp2 methyl CpG binding protein 2 IMP compared to SD wild-type RGD PMID:27329765 RGD:40924662 NCBI chr  X:151,781,177...151,844,687
Ensembl chr  X:151,789,930...151,844,689
JBrowse link
G Mecp2em1Sage methyl CpG binding protein 2; zinc finger nuclease induced mutant 1, Sigma Advanced Genetic Engineering Labs IMP compared to SD wild-type RGD PMID:27329765 RGD:40924662
G Ngly1 N-glycanase 1 IMP RGD PMID:32259258 RGD:39457703 NCBI chr15:9,153,738...9,210,228
Ensembl chr15:9,153,738...9,204,630
JBrowse link
G Ngly1em1Ta N-glycanase 1; CRISPR/Cas9 induced mutant 1, Ta IMP RGD PMID:32259258 RGD:39457703

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  mammalian phenotype 5417
    behavior/neurological phenotype 609
      abnormal behavior 608
        abnormal sensory capabilities/reflexes/nociception 83
          abnormal reflex + 51
          abnormal thermosensation 0
          abnormal touch escape response + 0
          abnormal touch/ nociception + 41
          hyperresponsive 0
paths to the root