Coprolalia denotes the involuntary utterance of obscenities. Intent is an important classifier in coprolalic behaviors, and unfortunately it remains unclear how to objectively distinguish coprolalia from common swearing.
In Tourette syndrome (TS), the unintended expression of coprolalic behaviors is encountered in about one-fifth of patients. Typical coprolalic behaviors in TS are characterized by the utterance of single short obscenities (e.g., in English, so-called four-letter words) with a different pitch or tone from ongoing speech. There have been only a few reports of patients exhibiting coprolalia in other neurological conditions, such as neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g., Kleine-Levin and fragile X syndrome), neurodegenerative syndromes (e.g., FTD, Alzheimer's disease, and chorea-acanthocytosis), after focal brain lesions, in encephalitis lethargica, or as ictal phenomenon.