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The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) is downloaded weekly from The file downloaded is considered the "last stable build" available for the ontology. For more about the HPO, view their website at

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Accession:HP:0012819 term browser browse the term
Definition:Inflammation of the myocardium.
Comment:Myocarditis can be caused by a variety of bacterial and viral infections. Enteroviruses, especially coxsackievirus B, and adenovirus and parvovirus B19 are often associated with acute myocarditis. Exposure to drug treatment, physical stimuli such as radiation and heat, metabolic disorders, immune disorders, and pregnancy are also causes of myocarditis. Many cases of myocarditis are idiopathic. Myocarditis presents with non-specific symptoms including chest pain, dyspnea, and palpitations, and thus often mimics more common disorders such as coronary artery disease. In some patients, cardiac MRI and endomyocardial biopsy can help identify myocarditis, predict risk of cardiovascular events, and guide treatment.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: Inflammation of heart muscle
 xref: EFO:0009609;   SNOMEDCT_US:50920009;   UMLS:C0027059

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Myocarditis term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ABCD1 ATP binding cassette subfamily D member 1 IAGP ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Myocarditis ClinVar PMID:11748843 PMID:16199547 PMID:25741868 PMID:28492532 NCBI chr  X:153,724,856...153,744,755
Ensembl chr  X:153,724,856...153,744,755
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G BAG3 BAG cochaperone 3 IAGP ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Myocarditis ClinVar PMID:21353195 PMID:21459883 PMID:24033266 PMID:24558114 PMID:25008357 More... NCBI chr10:119,651,380...119,677,819
Ensembl chr10:119,651,380...119,677,819
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G C4A complement C4A (Chido/Rodgers blood group) IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr 6:31,982,057...32,002,681
Ensembl chr 6:31,982,057...32,002,681
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G CALM1 calmodulin 1 IAGP HPO MIM:616247 NCBI chr14:90,396,502...90,408,268
Ensembl chr14:90,396,502...90,408,268
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G CCND1 cyclin D1 IAGP HPO ORPHA:892 NCBI chr11:69,641,156...69,654,474
Ensembl chr11:69,641,156...69,654,474
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G CCR1 C-C motif chemokine receptor 1 IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr 3:46,201,711...46,208,313
Ensembl chr 3:46,201,711...46,208,313
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G DSP desmoplakin IAGP ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Myocarditis ClinVar PMID:20716751 PMID:24503780 PMID:25227139 PMID:25741868 PMID:28359509 More... NCBI chr 6:7,541,671...7,586,714
Ensembl chr 6:7,541,326...7,586,717
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G ERAP1 endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr 5:96,760,813...96,935,854
Ensembl chr 5:96,760,810...96,808,100
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G FAS Fas cell surface death receptor IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr10:88,964,050...89,017,059
Ensembl chr10:88,953,813...89,029,605
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G GPX4 glutathione peroxidase 4 IAGP HPO MIM:250220 ORPHA:93317 NCBI chr19:1,103,994...1,106,779
Ensembl chr19:1,103,982...1,106,791
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G HLA-B major histocompatibility complex, class I, B IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr 6:31,353,875...31,357,179
Ensembl chr 6:31,353,872...31,367,067
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G HLA-DQA1 major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ alpha 1 IAGP DNA:polymorphisms, haplotypes:multiple RGD PMID:17559688 RGD:5147792 NCBI chr 6:32,637,406...32,655,272
Ensembl chr 6:32,628,179...32,647,062
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G HLA-DQB1 major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ beta 1 IAGP DNA:polymorphisms, haplotypes:multiple
RGD PMID:17559688 PMID:19127454 RGD:5147792, RGD:5147615 NCBI chr 6:32,659,467...32,666,657
Ensembl chr 6:32,659,467...32,668,383
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G HLA-DRB1 major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 1 IAGP DNA:polymorphisms, haplotypes:multiple RGD PMID:17559688 RGD:5147792 NCBI chr 6:32,578,775...32,589,848
Ensembl chr 6:32,577,902...32,589,848
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G IFNGR1 interferon gamma receptor 1 IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr 6:137,197,484...137,219,385
Ensembl chr 6:137,197,483...137,219,449
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G IL10 interleukin 10 IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr 1:206,767,602...206,772,494
Ensembl chr 1:206,767,602...206,774,541
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G IL12A interleukin 12A IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr 3:159,988,835...159,996,019
Ensembl chr 3:159,988,835...159,996,019
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G IL12A-AS1 IL12A antisense RNA 1 IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr 3:159,913,400...160,207,092
Ensembl chr 3:159,902,045...160,226,966
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G IL23R interleukin 23 receptor IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr 1:67,138,637...67,265,903
Ensembl chr 1:67,138,907...67,259,979
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G IRF4 interferon regulatory factor 4 IAGP HPO ORPHA:3452 NCBI chr 6:391,752...411,443
Ensembl chr 6:391,739...411,443
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G KLRC4 killer cell lectin like receptor C4 IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr12:10,407,384...10,409,757
Ensembl chr12:10,403,059...10,409,757
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G LMNA lamin A/C IAGP ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Myocarditis ClinVar PMID:24033266 PMID:24503780 PMID:25741868 PMID:27111165 PMID:28492532 More... NCBI chr 1:156,082,573...156,140,081
Ensembl chr 1:156,082,572...156,140,081
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G MEFV MEFV innate immunity regulator, pyrin IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr16:3,242,027...3,256,633
Ensembl chr16:3,242,027...3,256,633
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G MYH7 myosin heavy chain 7 IAGP ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Myocarditis ClinVar PMID:21520333 PMID:25741868 PMID:27532257 PMID:28492532 PMID:34213952 NCBI chr14:23,412,740...23,435,660
Ensembl chr14:23,412,740...23,435,660
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G PPA2 inorganic pyrophosphatase 2 IAGP HPO MIM:617222 NCBI chr 4:105,369,077...105,474,070
Ensembl chr 4:105,369,077...105,474,067
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G SLC2A10 solute carrier family 2 member 10 IAGP HPO ORPHA:3342 NCBI chr20:46,708,320...46,736,347
Ensembl chr20:46,709,649...46,736,347
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G STAT4 signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr 2:191,029,576...191,151,596
Ensembl chr 2:191,029,576...191,178,435
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G TLR4 toll like receptor 4 IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr 9:117,704,403...117,724,735
Ensembl chr 9:117,704,175...117,724,735
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G TNNI3 troponin I3, cardiac type IAGP ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Myocarditis ClinVar PMID:9241277 PMID:11735257 PMID:18006163 PMID:18467357 PMID:18533079 More... NCBI chr19:55,151,767...55,157,732
Ensembl chr19:55,151,767...55,157,773
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G TNNT2 troponin T2, cardiac type IAGP ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Myocarditis ClinVar PMID:2025668 PMID:24033266 PMID:24992688 PMID:25741868 PMID:27153395 More... NCBI chr 1:201,359,014...201,377,680
Ensembl chr 1:201,359,008...201,377,764
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G UBAC2 UBA domain containing 2 IAGP HPO ORPHA:117 NCBI chr13:99,200,854...99,386,504
Ensembl chr13:99,200,774...99,386,504
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G VHL von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor IAGP HPO ORPHA:892 NCBI chr 3:10,141,778...10,153,667
Ensembl chr 3:10,141,778...10,153,676
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  Human phenotype 82305
    Phenotypic abnormality 81987
      Abnormality of the cardiovascular system 14368
        Abnormal cardiovascular system morphology 7916
          Abnormal heart morphology 2118
            Abnormal myocardium morphology 1016
              Myocarditis 36
paths to the root