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The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) is downloaded weekly from The file downloaded is considered the "last stable build" available for the ontology. For more about the HPO, view their website at

Term:Hypointensity of cerebral white matter on MRI
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Accession:HP:0007103 term browser browse the term
Definition:A darker than expected signal on magnetic resonance imaging emanating from the cerebral white matter.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: White matter hypointensities on MRI
 alt_id: HP:0006804
 xref: UMLS:C4020908

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Hypointensity of cerebral white matter on MRI term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ADORA2A adenosine A2a receptor IAGP HPO ORPHA:363549 NCBI chr22:24,423,597...24,442,357
Ensembl chr22:24,417,879...24,442,357
JBrowse link
G ADSL adenylosuccinate lyase IAGP HPO ORPHA:46 NCBI chr22:40,346,500...40,387,527
Ensembl chr22:40,346,461...40,390,463
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G FGFR2 fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 IAGP ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Hypointensity of cerebral white matter on MRI ClinVar PMID:7874170 PMID:11781872 PMID:12884424 PMID:20643727 PMID:23348274 More... NCBI chr10:121,478,330...121,598,458
Ensembl chr10:121,478,332...121,598,458
JBrowse link
G GALC galactosylceramidase IAGP HPO ORPHA:206436 NCBI chr14:87,933,014...87,993,667
Ensembl chr14:87,837,820...87,993,665
JBrowse link
G KARS1 lysyl-tRNA synthetase 1 IAGP HPO MIM:619196 NCBI chr16:75,627,724...75,647,665
Ensembl chr16:75,627,474...75,648,643
JBrowse link
G LAMA2 laminin subunit alpha 2 IAGP HPO MIM:607855 NCBI chr 6:128,883,138...129,516,566
Ensembl chr 6:128,883,138...129,516,566
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G PLA2G6 phospholipase A2 group VI IAGP DNA:deletion:cds:p.V691del RGD PMID:17033970 RGD:6482740 NCBI chr22:38,111,495...38,181,830
Ensembl chr22:38,111,495...38,214,778
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G POLG DNA polymerase gamma, catalytic subunit IAGP HPO MIM:603041 NCBI chr15:89,316,320...89,334,824
Ensembl chr15:89,305,198...89,334,861
JBrowse link
G PSAP prosaposin IAGP HPO ORPHA:206436 NCBI chr10:71,816,298...71,851,251
Ensembl chr10:71,816,298...71,851,251
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G TYMP thymidine phosphorylase IAGP HPO MIM:603041 NCBI chr22:50,525,752...50,530,085
Ensembl chr22:50,525,752...50,530,032
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G UBE2A ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 A IAGP HPO MIM:300860 ORPHA:163956 NCBI chr  X:119,574,563...119,584,423
Ensembl chr  X:119,474,802...119,591,083
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Deep white matter hypodensities term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G GFM2 GTP dependent ribosome recycling factor mitochondrial 2 IAGP HPO ORPHA:565624 NCBI chr 5:74,721,206...74,767,117
Ensembl chr 5:74,721,206...74,767,147
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G SAMHD1 SAM and HD domain containing deoxynucleoside triphosphate triphosphohydrolase 1 IAGP HPO MIM:612952 NCBI chr20:36,889,773...36,951,708
Ensembl chr20:36,890,229...36,951,893
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G TREX1 three prime repair exonuclease 1 IAGP HPO MIM:225750 NCBI chr 3:48,465,830...48,467,645
Ensembl chr 3:48,465,811...48,467,645
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Focal hypointensity of cerebral white matter on MRI term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G TREX1 three prime repair exonuclease 1 IAGP HPO ORPHA:247691 NCBI chr 3:48,465,830...48,467,645
Ensembl chr 3:48,465,811...48,467,645
JBrowse link
G ZEB2 zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 2 IAGP HPO ORPHA:261537 ORPHA:261552 NCBI chr 2:144,384,081...144,520,119
Ensembl chr 2:144,364,364...144,521,057
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Periventricular white matter hypodensities term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G FDXR ferredoxin reductase IAGP HPO ORPHA:543470 NCBI chr17:74,862,497...74,872,994
Ensembl chr17:74,862,497...74,873,031
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  Human phenotype 73835
    Phenotypic abnormality 73530
      Abnormality of the nervous system 28558
        Abnormal nervous system morphology 5272
          Morphological central nervous system abnormality 5157
            Abnormal brain morphology 3688
              Abnormal forebrain morphology 2563
                Abnormal cerebral morphology 2451
                  Abnormal cerebral subcortex morphology 1241
                    Abnormal cerebral white matter morphology 1141
                      Hypointensity of cerebral white matter on MRI 16
                        Confluent hypointensity of cerebral white matter on MRI 0
                        Deep white matter hypodensities 3
                        Focal hypointensity of cerebral white matter on MRI 2
                        Multifocal hypointensity of cerebral white matter on MRI 0
                        Periventricular white matter hypodensities 1
paths to the root