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Term:regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation
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Accession:GO:2000142 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of DNA-templated transcription initiation.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: regulation of DNA-dependent transcription, initiation;   regulation of initiation of DNA-dependent transcription

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regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Rrn3 RRN3 homolog, RNA polymerase I transcription factor acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:8413268) RGD PMID:8413268 NCBI chr10:2,129,949...2,165,381
Ensembl chr10:2,129,978...2,165,663
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negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Morc1 MORC family CW-type zinc finger 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:1857787 (PMID:25503965) RGD PMID:25503965 NCBI chr11:52,178,769...52,384,255
Ensembl chr11:52,178,769...52,384,255
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G Thra thyroid hormone receptor alpha involved_in ISO (PMID:8524305) RGD PMID:8524305 NCBI chr10:83,701,885...83,729,408
Ensembl chr10:83,700,755...83,729,936
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negative regulation of RNA polymerase II transcription preinitiation complex assembly term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Hmgb1 high mobility group box 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:8006019) RGD PMID:8006019 NCBI chr12:5,972,950...5,979,658
Ensembl chr12:5,901,586...5,978,565
Ensembl chr16:5,901,586...5,978,565
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G Thra thyroid hormone receptor alpha involved_in ISO
PMID:8524305 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr10:83,701,885...83,729,408
Ensembl chr10:83,700,755...83,729,936
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negative regulation of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ctnnbip1 catenin, beta-interacting protein 1 involved_in ISO (MGI:4821083|PMID:11751639) RGD PMID:11751639 MGI:4821083 NCBI chr 5:159,961,961...160,010,942
Ensembl chr 5:159,961,928...160,010,939
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G Hey2 hes-related family bHLH transcription factor with YRPW motif 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:10692439) RGD PMID:10692439 NCBI chr 1:26,822,131...26,832,218
Ensembl chr 1:26,822,131...26,832,218
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G Myc MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor involved_in ISO (PMID:29203640) RGD PMID:29203640 NCBI chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,633
Ensembl chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,630
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G Pcid2 PCI domain containing 2 involved_in ISO (MGI:6106288|PMID:29138493) RGD PMID:29138493 MGI:6106288 NCBI chr16:76,423,245...76,448,712
Ensembl chr16:76,423,245...76,448,712
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G Zfp451 zinc finger protein 451 involved_in ISO
PMID:24324267 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr 9:35,985,441...36,040,991
Ensembl chr 9:35,985,443...36,040,652
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G Zfp473 zinc finger protein 473 IMP RGD PMID:12748187 RGD:1299608 NCBI chr 1:95,222,683...95,243,328
Ensembl chr 1:95,223,433...95,243,325
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positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Bclaf1 BCL2-associated transcription factor 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:17938203) RGD PMID:17938203 NCBI chr 1:15,088,436...15,117,666
Ensembl chr 1:15,070,894...15,148,832
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G Cebpa CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha involved_in ISO (PMID:28186500) RGD PMID:28186500 NCBI chr 1:87,759,631...87,762,303
Ensembl chr 1:87,759,433...87,762,412
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G Fosl1 FOS like 1, AP-1 transcription factor subunit involved_in ISO (PMID:23027619) RGD PMID:23027619 NCBI chr 1:202,754,549...202,763,057
Ensembl chr 1:202,754,529...202,764,930
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G Jun Jun proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit involved_in ISO (PMID:23027619) RGD PMID:23027619 NCBI chr 5:109,894,175...109,897,268
Ensembl chr 5:109,893,145...109,897,656
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G Mitf melanocyte inducing transcription factor involved_in ISO
(PMID:12204775), (PMID:8995290)
PMID:8995290 PMID:12204775 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr 4:130,409,020...130,621,145
Ensembl chr 4:130,409,217...130,621,145
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G Setx senataxin involved_in ISO (PMID:21700224) RGD PMID:21700224 NCBI chr 3:12,428,091...12,480,801
Ensembl chr 3:12,427,635...12,480,803
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G Twist1 twist family bHLH transcription factor 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:17332325) RGD PMID:17332325 NCBI chr 6:50,674,910...50,676,904
Ensembl chr 6:50,674,678...50,677,653
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positive regulation of RNA polymerase II transcription preinitiation complex assembly term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ahr aryl hydrocarbon receptor acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:8215422) RGD PMID:8215422 NCBI chr 6:52,234,089...52,271,568
Ensembl chr 6:52,234,089...52,271,568
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G Cand1 cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated 1 involved_in IDA PMID:10567521 UniProt PMID:10567521 RGD:8553447 NCBI chr 7:54,681,114...54,719,002
Ensembl chr 7:54,680,900...54,718,993
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G Creb1 cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 IMP RGD PMID:16891311 RGD:1625706 NCBI chr 9:65,903,511...65,972,562
Ensembl chr 9:65,903,547...65,970,816
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G Ikzf1 IKAROS family zinc finger 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:2158690 (PMID:21245044) RGD PMID:21245044 NCBI chr14:86,255,065...86,340,839
Ensembl chr14:86,255,065...86,342,416
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G Psmc6 proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase 6 involved_in IBA GO_REF:0000033 GO_Central GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr15:18,542,585...18,564,057
Ensembl chr15:18,542,563...18,564,055
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G Tp53 tumor protein p53 involved_in ISO
PMID:24289924 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr10:54,300,070...54,311,525
Ensembl chr10:54,300,048...54,311,524
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G Wnt10b Wnt family member 10B acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:19056892) RGD PMID:19056892 NCBI chr 7:129,922,088...129,927,892
Ensembl chr 7:129,922,088...129,927,892
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positive regulation of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Bckdk branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase involved_in IEA GO_REF:0000107 Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr 1:182,515,335...182,520,007
Ensembl chr 1:182,515,327...182,536,633
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G Dhx36 DEAH-box helicase 36 involved_in ISS
PMID:21993297 GO_REF:0000024 NCBI chr 2:146,856,469...146,894,577
Ensembl chr 2:146,856,469...146,894,572
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G Ercc1 ERCC excision repair 1, endonuclease non-catalytic subunit acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:22323595) RGD PMID:22323595 NCBI chr 1:78,971,310...79,007,963
Ensembl chr 1:78,996,390...79,007,963
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G Ercc6 ERCC excision repair 6, chromatin remodeling factor acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:1932102|MGI:99135 (PMID:22323595) RGD PMID:22323595 NCBI chr16:7,764,983...7,835,587
Ensembl chr16:7,765,013...7,835,587
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G Gtf2a1 general transcription factor 2A subunit 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:11030333) RGD PMID:11030333 NCBI chr 6:110,488,891...110,521,502
Ensembl chr 6:110,488,931...110,521,511
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G Gtf2a2 general transcription factor 2A subunit 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:11030333) RGD PMID:11030333 NCBI chr 8:70,662,447...70,675,576
Ensembl chr 8:70,662,428...70,675,569
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G Hnf1a HNF1 homeobox A involved_in ISO UniProtKB:P35680 (PMID:15355349) RGD PMID:15355349 NCBI chr12:41,638,536...41,672,806
Ensembl chr12:41,645,587...41,672,104
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G Hnf1b HNF1 homeobox B involved_in ISO
PMID:15355349 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr10:68,735,894...68,789,888
Ensembl chr10:68,735,894...68,789,888
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G Kat8 lysine acetyltransferase 8 involved_in ISO
PMID:33657400 GO_REF:0000024 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr 1:182,524,355...182,536,638
Ensembl chr 1:182,515,327...182,536,633
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G LOC103693281 activated RNA polymerase II transcriptional coactivator p15 pseudogene involved_in IEA GO_REF:0000002 InterPro GO_REF:0000002 NCBI chr15:12,858,465...12,858,878
Ensembl chr15:12,858,465...12,858,845
Ensembl chr15:12,858,465...12,858,845
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G Med1 mediator complex subunit 1 involved_in ISS
(PMID:12218053), (PMID:16314496)
PMID:12218053 PMID:16314496 GO_REF:0000024 NCBI chr10:83,145,538...83,189,260
Ensembl chr10:83,145,568...83,189,299
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G Med12 mediator complex subunit 12 involved_in ISO (PMID:12218053) RGD PMID:12218053 NCBI chr  X:66,404,807...66,427,775
Ensembl chr  X:66,404,760...66,428,387
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G Med13 mediator complex subunit 13 involved_in ISO (PMID:12218053) RGD PMID:12218053 NCBI chr10:71,086,978...71,176,535
Ensembl chr10:71,090,516...71,177,242
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G Med14 mediator complex subunit 14 involved_in ISO (PMID:12218053) RGD PMID:12218053 NCBI chr  X:10,036,749...10,127,910
Ensembl chr  X:10,036,805...10,126,240
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G Med16 mediator complex subunit 16 involved_in ISO (PMID:12218053) RGD PMID:12218053 NCBI chr 7:9,798,641...9,811,172
Ensembl chr 7:9,798,668...9,811,172
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G Med17 mediator complex subunit 17 involved_in ISO (PMID:12218053) RGD PMID:12218053 NCBI chr 8:12,101,594...12,120,592
Ensembl chr 8:12,101,594...12,120,592
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G Med24 mediator complex subunit 24 involved_in ISO
PMID:12218053 GO_REF:0000033 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr10:83,664,609...83,702,315
Ensembl chr10:83,664,609...83,690,123
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G Med30 mediator complex subunit 30 involved_in ISO (PMID:12218053) RGD PMID:12218053 NCBI chr 7:84,004,735...84,026,474
Ensembl chr 7:84,004,722...84,026,595
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G Med4 mediator complex subunit 4 involved_in ISO
PMID:12218053 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr15:48,696,542...48,706,818
Ensembl chr15:48,696,511...48,706,820
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G Myc MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor involved_in ISO (MGI:6377809|PMID:26691508) RGD PMID:26691508 MGI:6377809 NCBI chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,633
Ensembl chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,630
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G Nfkb1 nuclear factor kappa B subunit 1 involved_in IEA
PMID:16322095 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr 2:224,016,214...224,132,135
Ensembl chr 2:224,016,214...224,110,404
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G Nfkbia NFKB inhibitor alpha involved_in ISO (PMID:16322095) RGD PMID:16322095 NCBI chr 6:72,858,713...72,861,941
Ensembl chr 6:72,858,712...72,861,941
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G Nkx2-5 NK2 homeobox 5 involved_in IEA
PMID:8887666 GO_REF:0000107 MGI:83559 NCBI chr10:16,340,428...16,347,004
Ensembl chr10:16,344,159...16,346,934
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G Paxip1 PAX interacting protein 1 involved_in ISO
(MGI:4354659|PMID:19583951), (MGI:4821506|PMID:20671152)
PMID:17925232 PMID:19583951 PMID:20671152 GO_REF:0000033 MGI:4354659 MGI:4821506 NCBI chr 4:7,525,132...7,576,659
Ensembl chr 4:7,525,004...7,576,548
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G Pou5f1 POU class 5 homeobox 1 involved_in ISO (MGI:6377809|PMID:26691508) RGD PMID:26691508 MGI:6377809 NCBI chr20:3,223,128...3,227,891
Ensembl chr20:3,223,129...3,227,891
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G Srf serum response factor involved_in ISO (PMID:8887666) RGD PMID:8887666 NCBI chr 9:14,426,453...14,435,734
Ensembl chr 9:14,426,472...14,435,733
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G Sub1 SUB1 regulator of transcription involved_in IEA GO_REF:0000002 InterPro GO_REF:0000002 NCBI chr 2:61,005,646...61,020,486
Ensembl chr 2:61,005,666...61,020,436
Ensembl chr 2:61,005,666...61,020,436
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G Taf1 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr  X:66,640,915...66,716,543
Ensembl chr  X:66,640,982...66,716,543
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G Taf10 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 10 involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr 1:160,095,108...160,096,401
Ensembl chr 1:160,095,108...160,096,376
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G Taf11 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 11 involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr20:5,955,774...5,963,593
Ensembl chr20:5,955,777...5,961,905
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G Taf12 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 12 involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr 5:144,472,816...144,490,299
Ensembl chr 5:144,472,841...144,488,849
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G Taf13 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 13 involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr 2:196,205,219...196,215,882
Ensembl chr 2:196,205,243...196,215,878
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G Taf2 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr 7:86,422,613...86,479,616
Ensembl chr 7:86,422,613...86,479,616
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G Taf3 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr17:68,455,389...68,608,367
Ensembl chr17:68,423,909...68,608,367
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G Taf4 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 4 involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr 3:167,017,992...167,083,413
Ensembl chr 3:167,017,993...167,083,356
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G Taf4b TATA-box binding protein associated factor 4b involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr18:5,952,737...6,086,408
Ensembl chr18:5,952,769...6,068,307
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G Taf5 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr 1:245,958,428...245,973,914
Ensembl chr 1:245,958,428...245,973,914
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G Taf6 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 6 involved_in ISO
(PMID:11583621), (PMID:18628956)
PMID:11583621 PMID:17884155 PMID:18628956 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr12:17,055,864...17,064,244
Ensembl chr12:17,055,873...17,064,247
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G Taf7 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 7 involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr18:29,459,937...29,462,086
Ensembl chr18:29,452,943...29,462,134
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G Taf8 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 8 involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr 9:13,491,892...13,511,713
Ensembl chr 9:13,491,937...13,511,717
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G Taf9 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 9 involved_in ISO
PMID:17884155 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr 2:31,794,316...31,798,324
Ensembl chr 2:31,794,142...31,798,769
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G Tbp TATA box binding protein involved_in ISO (PMID:17884155) RGD PMID:17884155 NCBI chr 1:56,463,330...56,480,430
Ensembl chr 1:56,463,618...56,510,016
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G Xpa XPA, DNA damage recognition and repair factor acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:1100494 (PMID:22323595) RGD PMID:22323595 NCBI chr 5:60,431,673...60,475,726
Ensembl chr 5:60,431,673...60,475,726
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G Znhit1 zinc finger, HIT-type containing 1 involved_in ISO (MGI:6106288|PMID:29138493) RGD PMID:29138493 MGI:6106288 NCBI chr12:19,686,606...19,692,880
Ensembl chr12:19,686,148...19,692,880
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regulation of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Foxo1 forkhead box O1 involved_in IMP PMID:19483080 UniProt PMID:19483080 RGD:401901209 NCBI chr 2:136,312,168...136,390,603
Ensembl chr 2:136,312,168...136,387,790
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regulation of transcriptional start site selection at RNA polymerase II promoter term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Pwwp2a PWWP domain containing 2A involved_in ISO (MGI:6867108|PMID:33235983) RGD PMID:33235983 MGI:6867108 NCBI chr10:28,155,509...28,195,255
Ensembl chr10:28,155,605...28,194,308
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20115
    metabolic process 12288
      macromolecule metabolic process 10146
        macromolecule biosynthetic process 7442
          gene expression 7001
            DNA-templated transcription 3497
              DNA-templated transcription initiation 183
                regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation 69
                  negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation + 9
                  positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation + 58
                  regulation of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase I 0
                  regulation of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II + 60
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20115
    metabolic process 12288
      primary metabolic process 10923
        nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 5736
          nucleic acid metabolic process 5148
            RNA metabolic process 4578
              RNA biosynthetic process 4308
                DNA-templated transcription 3497
                  DNA-templated transcription initiation 183
                    regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation 69
                      negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation + 9
                      positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation + 58
                      regulation of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase I 0
                      regulation of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II + 60
paths to the root