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Term:vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation
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Accession:GO:1990936 term browser browse the term
Definition:The process in which a vascular smooth muscle cell (a non-striated, elongated, spindle-shaped cell found lining the blood vessels) loses the structural or functional features that characterize it in the mature organism, or some other relatively stable phase of the organism's life history. Under certain conditions, these cells can revert back to the features of the stem cells that were their ancestors.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: vascular smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation
 only_in_taxon: NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa

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positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Mir214 microRNA 214 involved_in ISO (PMID:27144530) RGD PMID:27144530 NCBI chr13:74,588,374...74,588,481
Ensembl chr13:74,588,372...74,588,481
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G Mir221 microRNA 221 involved_in ISO (PMID:19088079) RGD PMID:19088079 NCBI chr  X:3,429,465...3,429,573
Ensembl chr  X:3,429,465...3,429,573
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G Pdgfb platelet derived growth factor subunit B involved_in ISO
PMID:19088079 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr 7:111,539,444...111,557,984
Ensembl chr 7:111,540,345...111,557,984
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regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Olfm2 olfactomedin 2 involved_in IMP PMID:28062493 UniProt PMID:28062493 RGD:13441204 NCBI chr 8:19,204,472...19,282,154
Ensembl chr 8:19,204,475...19,282,117
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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20134
    developmental process 7034
      dedifferentiation 11
        cell dedifferentiation 11
          cell dedifferentiation involved in phenotypic switching 4
            vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation 4
              negative regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation 0
              positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation 3
              regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation + 4
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