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Term:AnxA2-p11 complex
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Accession:GO:1990665 term browser browse the term
Definition:A heterotetrameric protein complex comprising two Annexin A2 (AnxA2) monomers and two copies of its binding partner, S100 protein p11 (S100A10).
Synonyms:exact_synonym: (A2.p11)2 complex;   (p11)2.(AnxA2)2 complex;   Annexin A2-p11 complex;   AnxA2:S100A10 heterotetramer
 related_synonym: Annexin A2 tetramer

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AnxA2-p11 complex term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Anxa2 annexin A2 part_of ISO (PMID:23861394)
RGD PMID:23091277 PMID:23861394 NCBI chr 8:70,105,268...70,141,663
Ensembl chr 8:70,105,253...70,141,658
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G S100a10 S100 calcium binding protein A10 part_of ISO
(PMID:23091277), (PMID:23861394)
PMID:23091277 PMID:23861394 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr 2:179,221,012...179,229,659
Ensembl chr 2:179,220,887...179,229,661
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Term Annotations click to browse term
  cellular_component 20814
    protein-containing complex 6438
      AnxA2-p11 complex 2
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