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Term:meiotic DNA replication initiation
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Accession:GO:1902974 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any DNA replication initiation involved in meiotic cell cycle DNA replication.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: DNA replication initiation involved in meiotic DNA replication;   DNA replication initiation involved in meiotic cell cycle DNA replication
 related_synonym: initiation of meiotic DNA synthesis;   initiation of premeiotic DNA replication;   initiation of premeiotic DNA synthesis;   premeiotic DNA replication initiation
 alt_id: GO:0072691

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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20133
    reproductive process 1939
      meiotic cell cycle process 250
        meiotic DNA replication initiation 0
          negative regulation of initiation of premeiotic DNA replication 0
          positive regulation of initiation of premeiotic DNA replication 0
          regulation of initiation of premeiotic DNA replication + 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20133
    cellular process 19325
      metabolic process 12307
        primary metabolic process 10934
          nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 5743
            nucleic acid metabolic process 5151
              DNA metabolic process 961
                DNA replication 272
                  DNA-templated DNA replication 161
                    cell cycle DNA replication 39
                      nuclear DNA replication 34
                        nuclear cell cycle DNA replication initiation 5
                          meiotic DNA replication initiation 0
                            negative regulation of initiation of premeiotic DNA replication 0
                            positive regulation of initiation of premeiotic DNA replication 0
                            regulation of initiation of premeiotic DNA replication + 0
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