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Term:meiotic spindle formation (spindle phase two)
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Definition:The spindle organization process in which the spindle is maintained at a constant length during meiotic metaphase.

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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20553
    reproductive process 1978
      meiotic cell cycle process 247
        meiotic spindle organization 28
          meiotic spindle assembly 17
            meiotic spindle formation (spindle phase two) 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20553
    cellular process 19543
      cellular component organization or biogenesis 7196
        cellular component organization 6911
          organelle organization 3697
            cytoskeleton organization 1586
              microtubule cytoskeleton organization 713
                spindle organization 207
                  meiotic spindle organization 28
                    meiotic spindle assembly 17
                      meiotic spindle formation (spindle phase two) 0
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