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Term:cell-cell signaling involved in cardiac conduction
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Accession:GO:0086019 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any process that mediates the transfer of information from one cell to another and contributes to the heart process that regulates cardiac muscle contraction; beginning with the generation of an action potential in the sinoatrial node and ending with regulation of contraction of the myocardium.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: cell-cell signalling involved in cardiac conduction

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cell-cell signaling involved in cardiac conduction term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Pkp2 plakophilin 2 involved_in IEA TreeGrafter GO_REF:0000118 NCBI chrNW_004936607:3,458,406...3,530,066
Ensembl chrNW_004936607:3,458,073...3,532,543
JBrowse link
G Tbx5 T-box transcription factor 5 acts_upstream_of_positive_effect ISO (MGI:5449667|PMID:22728936) BHF-UCL PMID:22728936 MGI:5449667 NCBI chrNW_004936558:7,408,229...7,454,897
Ensembl chrNW_004936558:7,408,222...7,454,901
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atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ank2 ankyrin 2 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936563:3,520,195...4,170,716
Ensembl chrNW_004936563:3,520,193...4,171,362
JBrowse link
G Kcne5 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily E regulatory subunit 5 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936499:5,557,076...5,558,467
Ensembl chrNW_004936499:5,557,202...5,557,627
JBrowse link
G Kcnq1 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 1 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936794:707,122...994,206
Ensembl chrNW_004936794:707,119...994,778
JBrowse link
G Nup155 nucleoporin 155 involved_in
(PMID:19070573) Ensembl
PMID:19070573 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936518:4,635,970...4,688,669
Ensembl chrNW_004936518:4,635,869...4,690,943
JBrowse link
G Scn3b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 3 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936542:8,082,487...8,106,154
Ensembl chrNW_004936542:8,086,702...8,105,372
JBrowse link
G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
Ensembl chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
JBrowse link
AV node cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna1g calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 G involved_in ISO (MGI:3714901|PMID:16690884) BHF-UCL PMID:16690884 MGI:3714901 NCBI chrNW_004936490:11,093,600...11,157,756
Ensembl chrNW_004936490:11,093,595...11,157,563
JBrowse link
G Scn10a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 10 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936473:28,010,123...28,102,124
Ensembl chrNW_004936473:28,010,123...28,102,124
JBrowse link
G Scn4b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 4 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936542:3,236,238...3,252,550
Ensembl chrNW_004936542:3,236,231...3,252,692
JBrowse link
G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
Ensembl chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
JBrowse link
AV node cell to bundle of His cell signaling term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna1g calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 G involved_in ISO (MGI:3714901|PMID:16690884) BHF-UCL PMID:16690884 MGI:3714901 NCBI chrNW_004936490:11,093,600...11,157,756
Ensembl chrNW_004936490:11,093,595...11,157,563
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bundle of His cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Scn10a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 10 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936473:28,010,123...28,102,124
Ensembl chrNW_004936473:28,010,123...28,102,124
JBrowse link
G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
Ensembl chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
JBrowse link
membrane depolarization during atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna1c calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 C involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936606:2,168,104...2,867,560
Ensembl chrNW_004936606:2,168,625...2,865,758
JBrowse link
G Cacnb2 calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 2 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936520:8,951,994...9,164,039
Ensembl chrNW_004936520:8,955,164...9,295,331
JBrowse link
G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
Ensembl chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
JBrowse link
membrane depolarization during AV node cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna1c calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 C involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936606:2,168,104...2,867,560
Ensembl chrNW_004936606:2,168,625...2,865,758
JBrowse link
G Cacna1g calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 G involved_in ISO (MGI:3714901|PMID:16690884) BHF-UCL PMID:16690884 MGI:3714901 NCBI chrNW_004936490:11,093,600...11,157,756
Ensembl chrNW_004936490:11,093,595...11,157,563
JBrowse link
G Cacnb2 calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 2 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936520:8,951,994...9,164,039
Ensembl chrNW_004936520:8,955,164...9,295,331
JBrowse link
G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
Ensembl chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
JBrowse link
G Trpm4 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936664:3,093,258...3,124,473
Ensembl chrNW_004936664:3,093,367...3,124,117
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membrane depolarization during bundle of His cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna2d1 calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit alpha2delta 1 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936734:577,656...1,027,412
Ensembl chrNW_004936734:581,538...1,027,018
JBrowse link
G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
Ensembl chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
JBrowse link
G Trpm4 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936664:3,093,258...3,124,473
Ensembl chrNW_004936664:3,093,367...3,124,117
JBrowse link
membrane depolarization during Purkinje myocyte cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Scn1b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 1 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936570:1,187,916...1,195,423
Ensembl chrNW_004936570:1,186,711...1,195,388
JBrowse link
G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
Ensembl chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
JBrowse link
G Trpm4 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936664:3,093,258...3,124,473
Ensembl chrNW_004936664:3,093,367...3,124,117
JBrowse link
membrane depolarization during SA node cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna1d calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 D involved_in
(PMID:12700358) Ensembl
PMID:12700358 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936473:4,164,633...4,479,866
Ensembl chrNW_004936473:4,037,533...4,478,073
JBrowse link
G Cacna1g calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 G involved_in ISO (MGI:3714901|PMID:16690884) BHF-UCL PMID:16690884 MGI:3714901 NCBI chrNW_004936490:11,093,600...11,157,756
Ensembl chrNW_004936490:11,093,595...11,157,563
JBrowse link
G Hcn4 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated potassium channel 4 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936471:32,527,551...32,570,548
Ensembl chrNW_004936471:32,529,847...32,570,284
JBrowse link
G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
Ensembl chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
JBrowse link
membrane repolarization during atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Kcnj5 potassium inwardly rectifying channel subfamily J member 5 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936572:3,344,942...3,373,690
Ensembl chrNW_004936572:3,344,937...3,373,747
JBrowse link
G Kcnn2 potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily N member 2 involved_in ISO (MGI:5292192|PMID:19139040) BHF-UCL PMID:19139040 MGI:5292192 NCBI chrNW_004937043:133,981...269,593 JBrowse link
G Kcnq1 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 1 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936794:707,122...994,206
Ensembl chrNW_004936794:707,119...994,778
JBrowse link
positive regulation of atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Trpm4 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4 ISO RGD PMID:23954346 RGD:10003031 NCBI chrNW_004936664:3,093,258...3,124,473
Ensembl chrNW_004936664:3,093,367...3,124,117
JBrowse link
Purkinje myocyte to ventricular cardiac muscle cell signaling term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ryr2 ryanodine receptor 2 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936484:15,402,488...15,825,410
Ensembl chrNW_004936484:15,403,819...15,824,441
JBrowse link
regulation of atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ank2 ankyrin 2 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936563:3,520,195...4,170,716
Ensembl chrNW_004936563:3,520,193...4,171,362
JBrowse link
G Gja5 gap junction protein alpha 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:23348765) BHF-UCL PMID:23348765 NCBI chrNW_004936867:269,477...279,549 JBrowse link
G Ryr2 ryanodine receptor 2 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936484:15,402,488...15,825,410
Ensembl chrNW_004936484:15,403,819...15,824,441
JBrowse link
regulation of AV node cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ank2 ankyrin 2 involved_in ISO (MGI:2449848|PMID:12571597) BHF-UCL PMID:12571597 MGI:2449848 NCBI chrNW_004936563:3,520,195...4,170,716
Ensembl chrNW_004936563:3,520,193...4,171,362
JBrowse link
G Cxadr CXADR Ig-like cell adhesion molecule involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936505:9,971,393...10,032,238
Ensembl chrNW_004936505:9,971,118...10,032,238
JBrowse link
G Gja5 gap junction protein alpha 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:22247482)
BHF-UCL PMID:10515563 PMID:22247482 MGI:3696497 NCBI chrNW_004936867:269,477...279,549 JBrowse link
G Ryr2 ryanodine receptor 2 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936484:15,402,488...15,825,410
Ensembl chrNW_004936484:15,403,819...15,824,441
JBrowse link
regulation of bundle of His cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Gja5 gap junction protein alpha 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:22247482)
BHF-UCL PMID:10515563 PMID:22247482 MGI:3696497 NCBI chrNW_004936867:269,477...279,549 JBrowse link
G Rangrf RAN guanine nucleotide release factor involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936595:1,513,855...1,515,300
Ensembl chrNW_004936595:1,513,180...1,517,270
JBrowse link
regulation of Purkinje myocyte action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Gja5 gap junction protein alpha 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:22247482) BHF-UCL PMID:22247482 NCBI chrNW_004936867:269,477...279,549 JBrowse link
regulation of SA node cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ank2 ankyrin 2 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936563:3,520,195...4,170,716
Ensembl chrNW_004936563:3,520,193...4,171,362
JBrowse link
G Ryr2 ryanodine receptor 2 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936484:15,402,488...15,825,410
Ensembl chrNW_004936484:15,403,819...15,824,441
JBrowse link
G Tbx18 T-box transcription factor 18 acts_upstream_of
(PMID:23242162) BHF-UCL
PMID:23242162 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936510:6,366,450...6,396,056
Ensembl chrNW_004936510:6,366,846...6,393,882
JBrowse link
SA node cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ank2 ankyrin 2 involved_in ISO (MGI:5430886|PMID:18832177)
BHF-UCL PMID:18832177 MGI:5430886 NCBI chrNW_004936563:3,520,195...4,170,716
Ensembl chrNW_004936563:3,520,193...4,171,362
JBrowse link
G Cacna1g calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 G involved_in ISO (MGI:3714901|PMID:16690884) BHF-UCL PMID:16690884 MGI:3714901 NCBI chrNW_004936490:11,093,600...11,157,756
Ensembl chrNW_004936490:11,093,595...11,157,563
JBrowse link
G Gja5 gap junction protein alpha 5 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:11046183) MGI PMID:11046183 NCBI chrNW_004936867:269,477...279,549 JBrowse link
G Hcn4 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated potassium channel 4 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936471:32,527,551...32,570,548
Ensembl chrNW_004936471:32,529,847...32,570,284
JBrowse link
G Scn3b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 3 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936542:8,082,487...8,106,154
Ensembl chrNW_004936542:8,086,702...8,105,372
JBrowse link
G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
Ensembl chrNW_004936473:27,883,526...27,963,994
JBrowse link
SA node cell to atrial cardiac muscle cell signaling term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna1g calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 G involved_in ISO (MGI:3714901|PMID:16690884) BHF-UCL PMID:16690884 MGI:3714901 NCBI chrNW_004936490:11,093,600...11,157,756
Ensembl chrNW_004936490:11,093,595...11,157,563
JBrowse link

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 16133
    cellular process 15768
      cell communication 6248
        cell communication involved in cardiac conduction 40
          cell-cell signaling involved in cardiac conduction 25
            AV node cell to bundle of His cell signaling + 11
            Purkinje myocyte to ventricular cardiac muscle cell signaling + 5
            SA node cell to atrial cardiac muscle cell signaling + 9
            atrial cardiac muscle cell to AV node cell signaling + 13
            bundle of His cell to Purkinje myocyte signaling + 6
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 16133
    multicellular organismal process 7430
      system process 2613
        circulatory system process 552
          blood circulation 526
            heart contraction 235
              regulation of heart contraction 199
                cardiac conduction 67
                  cell communication involved in cardiac conduction 40
                    cell-cell signaling involved in cardiac conduction 25
                      AV node cell to bundle of His cell signaling + 11
                      Purkinje myocyte to ventricular cardiac muscle cell signaling + 5
                      SA node cell to atrial cardiac muscle cell signaling + 9
                      atrial cardiac muscle cell to AV node cell signaling + 13
                      bundle of His cell to Purkinje myocyte signaling + 6
paths to the root