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Term:membrane depolarization during action potential
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Accession:GO:0086010 term browser browse the term
Definition:The process in which membrane potential changes in the depolarizing direction from the negative resting potential towards the positive membrane potential that will be the peak of the action potential.

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membrane depolarization during action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Kcnh2 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:7604285) BHF-UCL PMID:7604285 NCBI chrNW_004955491:5,391,444...5,422,241
Ensembl chrNW_004955491:5,391,384...5,422,241
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G Scn10a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 10 involved_in ISO (PMID:23115331) UniProt PMID:23115331 NCBI chrNW_004955427:25,157,179...25,244,020
Ensembl chrNW_004955427:25,157,179...25,243,473
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G Scn11a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 11 involved_in ISO (PMID:12384689)
(PMID:24036948), (PMID:24776970)
UniProt PMID:10196578 PMID:12384689 PMID:24036948 PMID:24776970 MGI:5553040 RGD:69980 NCBI chrNW_004955427:24,917,709...25,109,499
Ensembl chrNW_004955427:24,989,615...25,109,550
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G Scn1a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:14672992)
UniProt PMID:14672992 PMID:27281198 MGI:5796061 NCBI chrNW_004955449:8,072,910...8,220,763
Ensembl chrNW_004955449:8,160,986...8,221,951
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G Scn1b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:35277491) UniProt PMID:35277491 NCBI chrNW_004955468:4,375,517...4,383,383
Ensembl chrNW_004955468:4,375,157...4,383,502
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G Scn2b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:35277491) UniProt PMID:35277491 NCBI chrNW_004955412:19,341,008...19,353,563
Ensembl chrNW_004955412:19,340,947...19,354,062
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G Scn3a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:35277491) UniProt PMID:35277491 NCBI chrNW_004955449:8,896,454...9,009,304
Ensembl chrNW_004955449:8,896,454...9,009,304
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G Scn3b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:20042427), (PMID:20226894)
BHF-UCL PMID:20042427 PMID:20226894 PMID:21051419 NCBI chrNW_004955412:24,391,764...24,412,912
Ensembl chrNW_004955412:24,388,366...24,412,604
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G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:14500339), (PMID:18065446), (PMID:22529811) BHF-UCL PMID:14500339 PMID:18065446 PMID:22529811 NCBI chrNW_004955427:25,295,517...25,371,419
Ensembl chrNW_004955427:25,295,514...25,371,552
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G Scn7a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 7 NOT|involved_in ISO PMID:9001394 UniProt PMID:9001394 RGD:61747 NCBI chrNW_004955449:7,714,424...7,798,383
Ensembl chrNW_004955449:7,736,502...7,796,626
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G Ywhah tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein eta involved_in ISO (PMID:16728661) BHF-UCL PMID:16728661 NCBI chrNW_004955455:6,045,919...6,057,729
Ensembl chrNW_004955455:6,045,919...6,057,729
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membrane depolarization during atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna1c calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 C involved_in ISO (PMID:17224476) BHF-UCL PMID:17224476 NCBI chrNW_004955454:4,573,647...5,199,046
Ensembl chrNW_004955454:4,490,923...5,198,506
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G Cacnb2 calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:17224476) BHF-UCL PMID:17224476 NCBI chrNW_004955429:9,642,725...9,966,175
Ensembl chrNW_004955429:9,644,053...9,966,175
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G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:18065446) BHF-UCL PMID:18065446 NCBI chrNW_004955427:25,295,517...25,371,419
Ensembl chrNW_004955427:25,295,514...25,371,552
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membrane depolarization during AV node cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna1c calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 C involved_in ISO (PMID:26253506) BHF-UCL PMID:26253506 NCBI chrNW_004955454:4,573,647...5,199,046
Ensembl chrNW_004955454:4,490,923...5,198,506
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G Cacna1g calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 G involved_in ISO (MGI:3714901|PMID:16690884) BHF-UCL PMID:16690884 MGI:3714901 NCBI chrNW_004955451:11,136,885...11,194,321
Ensembl chrNW_004955451:11,137,214...11,194,036
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G Cacnb2 calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:17224476) BHF-UCL PMID:17224476 NCBI chrNW_004955429:9,642,725...9,966,175
Ensembl chrNW_004955429:9,644,053...9,966,175
JBrowse link
G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:18616619) BHF-UCL PMID:18616619 NCBI chrNW_004955427:25,295,517...25,371,419
Ensembl chrNW_004955427:25,295,514...25,371,552
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G Trpm4 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4 involved_in ISO (PMID:27207958) BHF-UCL PMID:27207958 NCBI chrNW_004955559:1,539,036...1,581,800
Ensembl chrNW_004955559:1,546,365...1,581,712
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membrane depolarization during bundle of His cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna2d1 calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit alpha2delta 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:21383000) BHF-UCL PMID:21383000 NCBI chrNW_004955410:3,544,398...3,963,582
Ensembl chrNW_004955410:3,619,740...3,964,239
JBrowse link
G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:18065446) BHF-UCL PMID:18065446 NCBI chrNW_004955427:25,295,517...25,371,419
Ensembl chrNW_004955427:25,295,514...25,371,552
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G Trpm4 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4 involved_in ISO (PMID:27207958) BHF-UCL PMID:27207958 NCBI chrNW_004955559:1,539,036...1,581,800
Ensembl chrNW_004955559:1,546,365...1,581,712
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membrane depolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna1c calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 C involved_in ISO (PMID:15454078) BHF-UCL PMID:15454078 NCBI chrNW_004955454:4,573,647...5,199,046
Ensembl chrNW_004955454:4,490,923...5,198,506
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G Scn1b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 1 involved_in ISO (MGI:3763979|PMID:17884088)
BHF-UCL PMID:17884088 PMID:19808477 MGI:3763979 NCBI chrNW_004955468:4,375,517...4,383,383
Ensembl chrNW_004955468:4,375,157...4,383,502
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G Scn2b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:19808477) BHF-UCL PMID:19808477 NCBI chrNW_004955412:19,341,008...19,353,563
Ensembl chrNW_004955412:19,340,947...19,354,062
JBrowse link
G Scn3b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:21051419) BHF-UCL PMID:21051419 NCBI chrNW_004955412:24,391,764...24,412,912
Ensembl chrNW_004955412:24,388,366...24,412,604
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G Scn4b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 4 involved_in ISO (PMID:17592081) BHF-UCL PMID:17592081 NCBI chrNW_004955412:19,312,697...19,330,913
Ensembl chrNW_004955412:19,311,797...19,331,201
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G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:21895525)
BHF-UCL PMID:21895525 PMID:29457789 RGD:126781740 NCBI chrNW_004955427:25,295,517...25,371,419
Ensembl chrNW_004955427:25,295,514...25,371,552
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membrane depolarization during Purkinje myocyte cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Scn1b sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:18464934) BHF-UCL PMID:18464934 NCBI chrNW_004955468:4,375,517...4,383,383
Ensembl chrNW_004955468:4,375,157...4,383,502
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G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:22766342) BHF-UCL PMID:22766342 NCBI chrNW_004955427:25,295,517...25,371,419
Ensembl chrNW_004955427:25,295,514...25,371,552
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G Trpm4 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4 involved_in ISO (PMID:27207958) BHF-UCL PMID:27207958 NCBI chrNW_004955559:1,539,036...1,581,800
Ensembl chrNW_004955559:1,546,365...1,581,712
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membrane depolarization during SA node cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cacna1d calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 D involved_in
ISO (PMID:21131953)
PMID:12700358 PMID:21131953 NCBI chrNW_004955430:3,450,151...3,796,983
Ensembl chrNW_004955430:3,268,953...3,794,592
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G Cacna1g calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 G involved_in ISO (MGI:3714901|PMID:16690884) BHF-UCL PMID:16690884 MGI:3714901 NCBI chrNW_004955451:11,136,885...11,194,321
Ensembl chrNW_004955451:11,137,214...11,194,036
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G Hcn4 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated potassium channel 4 involved_in ISO (PMID:16407510) BHF-UCL PMID:16407510 NCBI chrNW_004955450:4,139,852...4,181,377
Ensembl chrNW_004955450:4,139,852...4,181,377
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G Scn5a sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:18616619) BHF-UCL PMID:18616619 NCBI chrNW_004955427:25,295,517...25,371,419
Ensembl chrNW_004955427:25,295,514...25,371,552
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negative regulation of membrane depolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cav3 caveolin 3 involved_in ISO (MGI:5613732|PMID:25257915)
BHF-UCL PMID:25257915 MGI:5613732 NCBI chrNW_004955561:326,008...335,911
Ensembl chrNW_004955561:325,944...335,914
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positive regulation of membrane depolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ank3 ankyrin 3 involved_in ISO PMID:18180363 BHF-UCL PMID:18180363 RGD:6767295 NCBI chrNW_004955425:13,522,233...13,851,286 JBrowse link
regulation of membrane depolarization during action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Clcn2 chloride voltage-gated channel 2 involved_in ISO PMID:8816717 UniProt PMID:8816717 RGD:405650388 NCBI chrNW_004955420:23,138,558...23,152,462
Ensembl chrNW_004955420:23,138,605...23,152,311
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G Ptpn3 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:16930557) BHF-UCL PMID:16930557 NCBI chrNW_004955419:17,560,664...17,645,420
Ensembl chrNW_004955419:17,493,518...17,645,477
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regulation of membrane depolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cav3 caveolin 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:17275750) BHF-UCL PMID:17275750 NCBI chrNW_004955561:326,008...335,911
Ensembl chrNW_004955561:325,944...335,914
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G Gja5 gap junction protein alpha 5 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:9501070) MGI PMID:9501070 NCBI chrNW_004955568:635,319...652,692
Ensembl chrNW_004955568:635,042...653,349
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G Rangrf RAN guanine nucleotide release factor involved_in ISO (PMID:21621375) BHF-UCL PMID:21621375 NCBI chrNW_004955467:8,622,843...8,624,401
Ensembl chrNW_004955467:8,622,843...8,624,401
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G Slmap sarcolemma associated protein involved_in ISO (PMID:23064965) BHF-UCL PMID:23064965 NCBI chrNW_004955430:7,470,823...7,620,101
Ensembl chrNW_004955430:7,471,400...7,622,459
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 12533
    biological regulation 9056
      regulation of biological quality 2680
        regulation of membrane potential 454
          membrane depolarization 93
            membrane depolarization during action potential 26
              membrane depolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential + 17
              regulation of membrane depolarization during action potential + 7
paths to the root