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Term:homomeric SMAD protein complex
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Accession:GO:0071142 term browser browse the term
Definition:A protein complex composed of a single type of SMAD family proteins. In the absence of Smad4, phosphorylation of R-SMADs results in their homotrimerization. However, these complexes do not appear to import into the nucleus and are assumed to be transcriptionally inactive.
Synonyms:narrow_synonym: SMAD1 homotrimer complex;   SMAD1 protein complex;   SMAD2 homotrimer complex;   SMAD2 protein complex;   SMAD3 homotrimer complex;   SMAD3 protein complex
 alt_id: GO:0071143
 only_in_taxon: NCBITaxon:6072 ! Eumetazoa

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homomeric SMAD protein complex term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Smad1 SMAD family member 1 part_of IEA
PMID:11779505 PMID:20147459 GO_REF:0000107 MGI:5014035 NCBI chr19:28,513,130...28,573,665
Ensembl chr19:28,513,131...28,573,651
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G Smad2 SMAD family member 2 part_of ISO (PMID:11779503) RGD PMID:11779503 NCBI chr18:69,849,884...69,918,926
Ensembl chr18:69,850,377...69,912,323
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Path 1
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  cellular_component 20817
    cellular anatomical entity 20577
      cytoplasm 11877
        homomeric SMAD protein complex 2
Path 2
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  cellular_component 20817
    cellular anatomical entity 20577
      intracellular anatomical structure 15186
        cytoplasm 11877
          homomeric SMAD protein complex 2
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