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Term:GATOR2 complex
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Accession:GO:0061700 term browser browse the term
Definition:A multiprotein subcomplex of the GATOR complex that regulates TORC1 signaling by interacting with the Rag GTPase. In human, this complex consists of WDR24, WDR59, MIOS, SEH1L, and SEC13. In S. cerevisiae, this complex is referred to as SEACAT and contains the Sea2p, Sea3p, Sea4p, Seh1p, Sec13p proteins.
Comment:The Rag GTPase complex corresponds to Gtr1-Gtr2 GTPase complex ; GO:1990131.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: SEACAT complex

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GATOR2 complex term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Castor1 cytosolic arginine sensor for mTORC1 subunit 1 located_in ISS
PMID:26972053 GO_REF:0000024 NCBI chr14:79,086,136...79,090,549
Ensembl chr14:79,086,136...79,090,548
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G Castor2 cytosolic arginine sensor for mTORC1 subunit 2 located_in ISO (PMID:26972053) RGD PMID:26972053 NCBI chr12:22,577,504...22,620,182
Ensembl chr12:22,577,512...22,620,182
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G Mios meiosis regulator for oocyte development part_of ISO (PMID:35831510), (PMID:36528027) RGD PMID:35831510 PMID:36528027 NCBI chr 4:36,263,419...36,289,546
Ensembl chr 4:36,263,968...36,289,544
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G Sec13 SEC13 homolog, nuclear pore and COPII coat complex component part_of ISS
(PMID:35831510), (PMID:36528027)
PMID:35831510 PMID:36528027 GO_REF:0000024 NCBI chr 4:146,877,739...146,891,130
Ensembl chr 4:146,875,524...146,891,173
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G Seh1l SEH1-like nucleoporin part_of ISO (PMID:35831510), (PMID:36528027) RGD PMID:35831510 PMID:36528027 NCBI chr18:61,346,986...61,369,987 JBrowse link
G Sesn1 sestrin 1 located_in ISO (PMID:25263562), (PMID:26449471) RGD PMID:25263562 PMID:26449471 NCBI chr20:45,294,876...45,387,698
Ensembl chr20:45,294,871...45,387,697
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G Sesn3 sestrin 3 located_in ISO (PMID:25263562), (PMID:26449471) RGD PMID:25263562 PMID:26449471 NCBI chr 8:11,133,822...11,189,436
Ensembl chr 8:11,133,678...11,185,842
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G Szt2 SZT2 subunit of KICSTOR complex located_in ISO (PMID:28199306), (PMID:28199315) RGD PMID:28199306 PMID:28199315 NCBI chr 5:131,897,250...131,943,953
Ensembl chr 5:131,897,275...131,943,904
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G Wdr24 WD repeat domain 24 part_of IBA
(PMID:35831510), (PMID:36528027)
PMID:35831510 PMID:36528027 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr10:14,844,089...14,848,871
Ensembl chr10:14,843,728...14,848,864
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G Wdr59 WD repeat domain 59 part_of ISO (PMID:35831510), (PMID:36528027) RGD PMID:35831510 PMID:36528027 NCBI chr19:39,416,432...39,483,773
Ensembl chr19:39,416,429...39,483,698
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
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  cellular_component 20811
    protein-containing complex 6431
      GATOR2 complex 10
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  cellular_component 20811
    protein-containing complex 6431
      Seh1-associated complex 14
        GATOR2 complex 10
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