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Term:regulation of paraxial mesodermal cell fate determination
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Definition:Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of paraxial mesoderm cell fate determination.

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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 28632
    developmental process 7535
      regulation of developmental process 2916
        regulation of cell fate determination 1
          regulation of mesodermal cell fate determination 0
            regulation of paraxial mesodermal cell fate determination 0
              negative regulation of paraxial mesodermal cell fate determination 0
              positive regulation of paraxial mesodermal cell fate determination 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 28632
    developmental process 7535
      anatomical structure development 7000
        multicellular organism development 5570
          embryo development 1416
            embryonic morphogenesis 721
              gastrulation 222
                formation of primary germ layer 140
                  mesoderm formation 82
                    paraxial mesoderm formation 9
                      paraxial mesodermal cell differentiation 2
                        paraxial mesodermal cell fate commitment 2
                          paraxial mesodermal cell fate determination 0
                            regulation of paraxial mesodermal cell fate determination 0
                              negative regulation of paraxial mesodermal cell fate determination 0
                              positive regulation of paraxial mesodermal cell fate determination 0
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