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Term:regulation of epidermis development
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Accession:GO:0045682 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of epidermis development.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: regulation of epidermal development
 related_synonym: regulation of hypodermis development

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regulation of epidermis development term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Nab1 Ngfi-A binding protein 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:16136673) MGI PMID:16136673 NCBI chr 1:52,494,146...52,539,553
Ensembl chr 1:52,496,453...52,539,838
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G Nab2 Ngfi-A binding protein 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:16136673) MGI PMID:16136673 NCBI chr10:127,496,787...127,502,572
Ensembl chr10:127,496,787...127,504,437
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G Nme-ps1 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase, pseudogene 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:16862176) HGNC-UCL PMID:16862176 NCBI chr 5:149,584,117...149,584,693
Ensembl chr 5:149,584,230...149,584,688
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G Nme2 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:16862176) HGNC-UCL PMID:16862176 NCBI chr11:93,840,640...93,847,082
Ensembl chr11:93,840,640...93,847,085
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G Sgpp1 sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase 1 involved_in IMP (MGI:5503267|PMID:23637227) UniProt PMID:23637227 MGI:5503267 NCBI chr12:75,761,022...75,782,503
Ensembl chr12:75,761,023...75,782,503
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G Tfap2c transcription factor AP-2, gamma acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:18353300) MGI PMID:18353300 NCBI chr 2:172,387,599...172,400,542
Ensembl chr 2:172,391,513...172,400,542
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negative regulation of epidermal cell differentiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Dll1 delta like canonical Notch ligand 1 involved_in IMP (MGI:3793982|PMID:17960184) UniProt PMID:17960184 MGI:3793982 NCBI chr17:15,587,616...15,597,275
Ensembl chr17:15,587,616...15,597,134
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G Ezh2 enhancer of zeste 2 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:19303854) MGI PMID:19303854 NCBI chr 6:47,507,208...47,613,843
Ensembl chr 6:47,507,073...47,572,275
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G Gdf3 growth differentiation factor 3 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 6:122,582,362...122,587,046
Ensembl chr 6:122,582,362...122,587,046
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negative regulation of inner ear auditory receptor cell differentiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Dll1 delta like canonical Notch ligand 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:16495313) MGI PMID:16495313 NCBI chr17:15,587,616...15,597,275
Ensembl chr17:15,587,616...15,597,134
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G Fgfr3 fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:17117437) MGI PMID:17117437 NCBI chr 5:33,879,068...33,894,412
Ensembl chr 5:33,879,018...33,894,412
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G Hes1 hes family bHLH transcription factor 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI
(PMID:11023859), (PMID:11425898)
MGI PMID:11023859 PMID:11425898 PMID:21300049 NCBI chr16:29,883,259...29,886,614
Ensembl chr16:29,883,202...29,886,614
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G Hes5 hes family bHLH transcription factor 5 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI
MGI PMID:11425898 PMID:21300049 NCBI chr 4:155,042,358...155,046,829
Ensembl chr 4:155,045,380...155,046,828
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G Notch1 notch 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:25535395) MGI PMID:25535395 NCBI chr 2:26,347,914...26,393,834
Ensembl chr 2:26,347,915...26,406,675
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negative regulation of keratinocyte differentiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Extl3 exostosin-like glycosyltransferase 3 involved_in ISO
(PMID:22727489) MGI
PMID:22727489 GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr14:65,289,508...65,387,322
Ensembl chr14:65,289,509...65,387,304
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G Ezh2 enhancer of zeste 2 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:19303854) MGI PMID:19303854 NCBI chr 6:47,507,208...47,613,843
Ensembl chr 6:47,507,073...47,572,275
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G Hoxa7 homeobox A7 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI GO_REF:0000008 NCBI chr 6:52,191,471...52,198,757
Ensembl chr 6:52,191,471...52,198,834
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G Msx2 msh homeobox 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:19769717) MGI PMID:19769717 NCBI chr13:53,620,917...53,626,816
Ensembl chr13:53,620,920...53,627,110
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G Ovol2 OVO homolog-like 2 (Drosophila) involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 2:144,147,095...144,174,000
Ensembl chr 2:144,147,095...144,174,066
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G Reg3a regenerating islet-derived 3 alpha involved_in IDA (MGI:5488867|PMID:22727489) UniProt PMID:22727489 MGI:5488867 NCBI chr 6:78,357,692...78,360,822
Ensembl chr 6:78,357,692...78,360,810
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G Reg3b regenerating islet-derived 3 beta involved_in ISO (PMID:22727489) UniProt PMID:22727489 NCBI chr 6:78,347,868...78,350,449
Ensembl chr 6:78,347,640...78,350,449
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G Reg3g regenerating islet-derived 3 gamma involved_in IDA (MGI:5488867|PMID:22727489), (PMID:22727489) UniProt PMID:22727489 MGI:5488867 NCBI chr 6:78,443,252...78,445,857
Ensembl chr 6:78,443,252...78,445,855
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G Srsf6 serine and arginine-rich splicing factor 6 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 2:162,773,428...162,779,041
Ensembl chr 2:162,773,448...162,779,041
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G Tgfb2 transforming growth factor, beta 2 involved_in NAS (MGI:1342915|PMID:10433821) UniProt PMID:10433821 MGI:1342915 NCBI chr 1:186,354,984...186,441,504
Ensembl chr 1:186,354,989...186,438,186
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G Trp63 transformation related protein 63 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:22274697) MGI PMID:22274697 NCBI chr16:25,502,513...25,710,842
Ensembl chr16:25,502,513...25,710,852
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positive regulation of epidermal cell differentiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Bmp4 bone morphogenetic protein 4 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr14:46,620,982...46,628,126
Ensembl chr14:46,620,977...46,628,126
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G Kdf1 keratinocyte differentiation factor 1 involved_in IMP (MGI:5529391|PMID:24075906) UniProt PMID:24075906 MGI:5529391 NCBI chr 4:133,246,274...133,258,101
Ensembl chr 4:133,246,274...133,258,101
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G Ptch1 patched 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:24492243) MGI PMID:24492243 NCBI chr13:63,656,142...63,721,274
Ensembl chr13:63,656,142...63,721,412
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G Ptch2 patched 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:24492243) MGI PMID:24492243 NCBI chr 4:116,953,253...116,973,298
Ensembl chr 4:116,953,272...116,973,298
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G Sfn stratifin involved_in IMP (MGI:5529391|PMID:24075906) UniProt PMID:24075906 MGI:5529391 NCBI chr 4:133,327,867...133,329,163
Ensembl chr 4:133,327,867...133,329,479
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G Sfrp4 secreted frizzled-related protein 4 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr13:19,807,345...19,816,995
Ensembl chr13:19,807,274...19,817,164
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G Sult2b1 sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 2B, member 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 7:45,379,405...45,409,096
Ensembl chr 7:45,379,407...45,434,093
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positive regulation of epidermis development term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Krt10 keratin 10 involved_in IMP (MGI:6107675|PMID:26603179) UniProt PMID:26603179 MGI:6107675 NCBI chr11:99,276,080...99,288,631
Ensembl chr11:99,276,080...99,280,190
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G Krt2 keratin 2 involved_in IMP (MGI:6107675|PMID:26603179) UniProt PMID:26603179 MGI:6107675 NCBI chr15:101,719,124...101,727,391
Ensembl chr15:101,719,124...101,726,604
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G Ppard peroxisome proliferator activator receptor delta involved_in ISO RGD
PMID:19675577 GO_REF:0000096 MGI:4417868 RGD:2324879 NCBI chr17:28,451,715...28,520,446
Ensembl chr17:28,451,674...28,520,448
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G Tmem79 transmembrane protein 79 involved_in IMP (MGI:5518480|PMID:24060273) UniProt PMID:24060273 MGI:5518480 NCBI chr 3:88,236,351...88,241,761
Ensembl chr 3:88,235,962...88,243,455
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positive regulation of inner ear auditory receptor cell differentiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Atoh1 atonal bHLH transcription factor 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IDA (PMID:11023859), (PMID:19154718) MGI PMID:11023859 PMID:19154718 NCBI chr 6:64,706,109...64,708,229
Ensembl chr 6:64,706,109...64,708,229
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G Fgf2 fibroblast growth factor 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IDA (PMID:12417662) MGI PMID:12417662 NCBI chr 3:37,402,616...37,464,255
Ensembl chr 3:37,402,495...37,464,257
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positive regulation of keratinocyte differentiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Alox8 arachidonate 8-lipoxygenase involved_in IMP (MGI:3784332|PMID:10965849) UniProt PMID:10965849 MGI:3784332 NCBI chr11:69,074,711...69,088,669
Ensembl chr11:69,074,758...69,088,669
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G Cyp27b1 cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr10:126,884,115...126,891,897
Ensembl chr10:126,884,119...126,888,875
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G Etv4 ets variant 4 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr11:101,660,573...101,677,963
Ensembl chr11:101,660,568...101,676,197
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G Foxc1 forkhead box C1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr13:31,990,629...31,994,618
Ensembl chr13:31,990,616...31,996,459
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G Macroh2a1 macroH2A.1 histone involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr13:56,221,435...56,283,439
Ensembl chr13:56,221,432...56,284,174
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G Macroh2a2 macroH2A.2 histone involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr10:61,574,419...61,620,383
Ensembl chr10:61,574,444...61,619,926
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G Med1 mediator complex subunit 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr11:98,042,980...98,084,121
Ensembl chr11:98,042,980...98,084,119
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G Mir125b-1 microRNA 125b-1 acts_upstream_of ISO (PMID:21412257) BHF-UCL PMID:21412257 NCBI chr 9:41,493,222...41,493,298
Ensembl chr 9:41,493,222...41,493,298
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G Mir125b-2 microRNA 125b-2 acts_upstream_of ISO (PMID:21412257) BHF-UCL PMID:21412257 NCBI chr16:77,443,161...77,443,231
Ensembl chr16:77,443,161...77,443,231
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G Ncoa3 nuclear receptor coactivator 3 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 2:165,834,557...165,915,162
Ensembl chr 2:165,834,545...165,915,162
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G Nme-ps1 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase, pseudogene 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:16862176) HGNC-UCL PMID:16862176 NCBI chr 5:149,584,117...149,584,693
Ensembl chr 5:149,584,230...149,584,688
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G Nme2 NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:16862176) HGNC-UCL PMID:16862176 NCBI chr11:93,840,640...93,847,082
Ensembl chr11:93,840,640...93,847,085
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G Notch1 notch 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI
MGI PMID:16618808 PMID:17079689 NCBI chr 2:26,347,914...26,393,834
Ensembl chr 2:26,347,915...26,406,675
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G Numa1 nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 involved_in IMP (MGI:5754878|PMID:26765568) UniProt PMID:26765568 MGI:5754878 NCBI chr 7:101,583,169...101,664,166
Ensembl chr 7:101,583,318...101,664,171
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G Ovol2 OVO homolog-like 2 (Drosophila) acts_upstream_of_or_within IDA (PMID:24735878) MGI PMID:24735878 NCBI chr 2:144,147,095...144,174,000
Ensembl chr 2:144,147,095...144,174,066
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G Prkch protein kinase C, eta involved_in IMP (MGI:5306545|PMID:21346190) UniProt PMID:21346190 MGI:5306545 NCBI chr12:73,631,570...73,824,959
Ensembl chr12:73,631,570...73,824,959
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G Trim16 tripartite motif-containing 16 involved_in ISO (PMID:11919186) UniProt PMID:11919186 NCBI chr11:62,711,034...62,733,774
Ensembl chr11:62,711,057...62,741,634
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G Vdr vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr15:97,752,308...97,806,177
Ensembl chr15:97,752,306...97,808,511
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regulation of epidermal cell differentiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Keap1 kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:15087497) MGI PMID:15087497 NCBI chr 9:21,141,026...21,150,628
Ensembl chr 9:21,141,026...21,150,657
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G Klf7 Kruppel-like transcription factor 7 (ubiquitous) involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 1:64,068,607...64,161,504
Ensembl chr 1:64,068,606...64,161,441
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G Maff v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein F (avian) acts_upstream_of_or_within
(PMID:15087497) MGI
PMID:15087497 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr15:79,230,813...79,243,278
Ensembl chr15:79,230,821...79,243,276
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G Mafg v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein G (avian) involved_in
(PMID:15087497) GO_Central
PMID:15087497 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr11:120,515,943...120,525,771
Ensembl chr11:120,515,943...120,524,426
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regulation of inner ear auditory receptor cell differentiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Hey1 hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:21300049) MGI PMID:21300049 NCBI chr 3:8,728,419...8,732,098
Ensembl chr 3:8,728,419...8,732,316
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G Hey2 hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:19154718) MGI PMID:19154718 NCBI chr10:30,708,355...30,718,779
Ensembl chr10:30,708,355...30,718,797
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G Mycl v-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene lung carcinoma derived acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:23022312) MGI PMID:23022312 NCBI chr 4:122,889,414...122,896,278
Ensembl chr 4:122,889,445...122,896,278
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G Mycn v-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral related oncogene, neuroblastoma derived acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:23022312) MGI PMID:23022312 NCBI chr12:12,986,094...12,991,837
Ensembl chr12:12,986,094...12,991,915
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G Notch1 notch 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:25535395) MGI PMID:25535395 NCBI chr 2:26,347,914...26,393,834
Ensembl chr 2:26,347,915...26,406,675
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regulation of inner ear auditory receptor cell fate specification term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Esrp1 epithelial splicing regulatory protein 1 involved_in IMP (MGI:5915403|PMID:29107558) UniProt PMID:29107558 MGI:5915403 NCBI chr 4:11,331,933...11,386,783
Ensembl chr 4:11,331,933...11,386,783
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regulation of keratinocyte differentiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abca12 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A member 12 involved_in IMP
(MGI:4462766|PMID:20489143) UniProt
PMID:20489143 GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4462766 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 1:71,282,249...71,454,069
Ensembl chr 1:71,281,435...71,454,069
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G Cd109 CD109 antigen acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:22490868) MGI PMID:22490868 NCBI chr 9:78,522,828...78,623,542
Ensembl chr 9:78,522,828...78,623,535
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G Errfi1 ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 involved_in IMP
(MGI:3629275|PMID:16648858) UniProt
PMID:16648858 GO_REF:0000033 MGI:3629275 NCBI chr 4:150,938,253...150,953,346
Ensembl chr 4:150,938,376...150,953,349
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G Grhl1 grainyhead like transcription factor 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:24586629) MGI PMID:24586629 NCBI chr12:24,622,234...24,667,390
Ensembl chr12:24,622,282...24,667,390
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G Krt36 keratin 36 involved_in IDA (MGI:50776|PMID:1385239) UniProt PMID:1385239 MGI:50776 NCBI chr11:99,992,838...100,000,301
Ensembl chr11:99,992,833...99,996,452
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G Krt84 keratin 84 involved_in IDA (MGI:50776|PMID:1385239) UniProt PMID:1385239 MGI:50776 NCBI chr15:101,433,461...101,441,255
Ensembl chr15:101,433,461...101,441,255
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G Rock1 Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr18:10,064,401...10,182,225
Ensembl chr18:10,064,401...10,182,045
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G Rock2 Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 2 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr12:16,944,808...17,038,275
Ensembl chr12:16,944,896...17,037,824
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G Sgpp1 sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase 1 involved_in IMP (MGI:5503267|PMID:23637227) UniProt PMID:23637227 MGI:5503267 NCBI chr12:75,761,022...75,782,503
Ensembl chr12:75,761,023...75,782,503
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G Zfp36 zinc finger protein 36 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 7:28,076,208...28,078,680
Ensembl chr 7:28,076,209...28,079,678
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G Zfp36l1 zinc finger protein 36, C3H type-like 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr12:80,154,534...80,159,787
Ensembl chr12:80,154,528...80,159,787
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 28697
    developmental process 7399
      regulation of developmental process 2888
        regulation of epidermis development 69
          negative regulation of epidermis development + 17
          positive regulation of epidermis development + 31
          regulation of epidermal cell differentiation + 62
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 28697
    developmental process 7399
      anatomical structure development 6868
        tissue development 2366
          epidermis development 408
            regulation of epidermis development 69
              negative regulation of epidermis development + 17
              positive regulation of epidermis development + 31
              regulation of epidermal cell differentiation + 62
paths to the root