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Term:vitamin K metabolic process
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Accession:GO:0042373 term browser browse the term
Definition:The chemical reactions and pathways involving any of the forms of vitamin K, quinone-derived vitamins which are involved in the synthesis of blood-clotting factors in mammals. Vitamin K substances share a methylated naphthoquinone ring structure and vary in the aliphatic side chains attached to the molecule.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: vitamin K metabolism
 broad_synonym: naphthoquinone metabolic process;   naphthoquinone metabolism

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vitamin K metabolic process term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Aifm2 AIF family member 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:35922516) UniProt PMID:35922516 NCBI chrNW_004955437:21,111,298...21,126,487
Ensembl chrNW_004955437:21,110,798...21,126,482
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G Cbr1 carbonyl reductase 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:18449627) UniProt PMID:18449627 NCBI chrNW_004955407:35,351,601...35,354,510 JBrowse link
G Ggcx gamma-glutamyl carboxylase involved_in ISO (PMID:17073445) UniProt PMID:17073445 NCBI chrNW_004955424:1,926,924...1,952,635
Ensembl chrNW_004955424:1,936,772...1,952,635
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G Nqo1 NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:8999809)
UniProt PMID:8999809 MGI:85821 RGD:151356617 NCBI chrNW_004955484:7,012,373...7,028,182
Ensembl chrNW_004955484:7,012,506...7,027,604
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G Vkorc1 vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 involved_in
ISO (MGI:5559848|PMID:19492146)
(PMID:16270630), (PMID:33154105)
PMID:15879509 PMID:16270630 PMID:19492146 PMID:33154105 MGI:5559848 NCBI chrNW_004955493:7,928,516...7,931,265 JBrowse link
G Vkorc1l1 vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 like 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:21367861)
UniProt PMID:21367861 PMID:23928358 MGI:5559651 RGD:8553362 NCBI chrNW_004955456:8,316,107...8,374,898
Ensembl chrNW_004955456:8,356,208...8,374,898
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phylloquinone catabolic process term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cbr3 carbonyl reductase 3 ISO menadione catabolism RGD PMID:18983987 RGD:2316293 NCBI chrNW_004955407:35,419,674...35,428,270
Ensembl chrNW_004955407:35,419,674...35,428,270
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vitamin K biosynthetic process term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ubiad1 UbiA prenyltransferase domain containing 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:20953171)
UniProt PMID:20953171 PMID:23169578 NCBI chrNW_004955486:2,472,035...2,481,975
Ensembl chrNW_004955486:2,472,035...2,481,975
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 12533
    cellular process 11968
      metabolic process 7959
        ketone metabolic process 185
          vitamin K metabolic process 8
            phylloquinone metabolic process + 1
            vitamin K biosynthetic process + 1
            vitamin K catabolic process + 1
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 12533
    cellular process 11968
      metabolic process 7959
        small molecule metabolic process 1316
          vitamin metabolic process 81
            fat-soluble vitamin metabolic process 35
              vitamin K metabolic process 8
                phylloquinone metabolic process + 1
                vitamin K biosynthetic process + 1
                vitamin K catabolic process + 1
paths to the root